Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Between approaches, methods and methodologies
					View Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Between approaches, methods and methodologies

The thematic dossier "between approaches, methods and methodologies" represents a significant initiative in the field of visual arts and art/education, aiming to present the diversity of practices, theories and pedagogical strategies that characterize this multidisciplinary area. By summoning a wide range of contributions from teachers, artists, researchers and professionals, the dossier seeks not only to map the current state of knowledge and artistic practice, but also to foster deep dialogue on how different approaches can complement, challenge and expand those educational and creative horizons. This collaborative effort is essential to understand the complexity and dynamics of visual arts and art/education, emphasizing the importance of a constant reflection on methods and methodologies developed in both creation and art teaching.
In addition, the dossier has the potential to serve as a compass for artist-researcher teachers, offering perspectives that can nourish teaching and artistic practice or artistic-senior practice. By highlighting the intersection between theory and practice, and between different ways of thinking and making art, "between approaches, methods and methodologies" encourages a pedagogical approach that is both reflective and inventive. The inclusion of a variety of voices and experiences contributes to the construction of a more inclusive and diverse field, where the teaching of the visual arts is seen as a dynamic and adaptive process, capable of responding to cultural, social and technological changes that influence both Education regarding contemporary artistic practice.
Thus, Apotheke magazine, with its call provoked teachers, artists, researchers, academics and professionals dedicated to the visual arts to actively engage in the elaboration of the dossier, seeking to dialogue about the multiple facets that permeate the vast field of Visual arts in articulation with art/education.

Published: 2024-06-01

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