If this bag were a woman: the amorous device in the show SóFridas
feminism, gender, loving device, objects theaterAbstract
The article deals with the analysis of the spectacle SóFridas by Trip Teatro (Rio do Sul/SC), in the light of gender theories, such as feminisms and loving and maternal devices (Zanello, 2018). It addresses the language of Objects Theater, emphasizing the metaphors and symbologies evoked in the scene. It observes the ways in which dramaturgy finds echoes in the personal stories of several women, understanding the spectacle as an anti-gender technology (Lauretis, 1984), and feminist theater (Miranda, 2019) by questioning standards and conduct related to women.
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Links de vídeos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zUnyG4AaLg. Teaser do espetáculo SóFridas (Trip Teatro), realizado em 20 de agosto de 2020. Acesso em 28/06/23.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcdRiDftbco. Bate-papo após apresentação do espetáculo SóFridas (Trip Teatro), realizado em 20 de agosto de 2020. Acesso em 28/06/23.
https://www.youtube.com/watchv=BEjNANCjGKI&feature=youtu.be. Espetáculo SóFridas (Trip Teatro), na íntegra. Acesso em 06/07/23.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gzV1hYC3ig&t=175s. Teaser do espetáculo Carne (Kiwi Cia de Teatro/Coletivo Comum). Acesso em 27/02/23.
https://vimeo.com/528487065. Espetáculo Carne (Kiwi Cia de Teatro/Coletivo Comum), na íntegra. Acesso em 27/02/23.
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