Emotion production in fashion consumption: laughing at the celebrity wearing duct tape





emotions, fashion consumption, laughter


This paper aims to discuss the production of emotions in fashion consumption, focusing on laughter. The media event that instigated us were parodies about the look presented by Kim Kardashian at the Paris Fashion Week in 2022. Kardashian attended the event dressed in tapes with the logo of the luxury brand Balenciaga becoming the subject of memes on social networks. The research problem that instigated us concerns: what is the role of laughter as emotion in the fabrication of meanings about fashion in a context of interaction via social networks? We developed an exploratory research from a case study, using a documental survey, with a qualitative approach, having as empirical object publications made on Instagram. We employ an interdisciplinary look and a theoretical framework that includes readings of anthropology of emotions, fashion and communication.


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Author Biographies

Denise Da Costa Oliveira Siqueira, Rio de Janeiro State University

Full Professor/Professora Titular of the Communication Faculty of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She has developed a postdoctoral research in Sociology at the Centre d'Études sur l'Actuel et le Quotidien de l'Université Paris-Descartes / Sorbonne (2009-2011) and a postdoctoral research in Sociology at the Faculté des Sciences Sociales de l'Université de Strasbourg (2020/2021). PhD in Communication Sciences at School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo. Master in Information Science by Communication Studies School/UFRJ and / IBICT / CNPq. She has a specialization degree in Urban Sociology and graduated in Communication at UERJ. She has professional and academic experience (teaching, research and extension) in Communication, investigating mainly subjects as body, culture, gender, city, imaginary, contemporary dance, cultural journalism. She is the author of books and compilations about communication, body and culture and about communication and science, among them "The social construction of emotions: body and sense production in communication" (Sulina, 2015) and "The body represented: art, media and production of meanings "(EdUerj, 2014). She worked as editor of the academic journals "Contemporânea" and "Logos". She had also been coordinator (2014-2016) and assistant coordinator (2012-2014) of the Graduate Program in Communication at UERJ. Journalist specialized in cultural journalism. She used to be coordinator of the Integrated Communication Laboratory. Currently coordinates the project Laboratory in Communication, interaction and culture (Lampe / PPGCom).

Jéssica Baptista dos Santos Ventura, Rio de Janeiro State University

Doutoranda e Mestre em Comunicação pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Graduada em Comunicação/Jornalismo pela mesma universidade. Realizou o curso Técnico de Produção em Moda da FAETEC – Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica. Pesquisa temas como moda, comunicação e consumo. Bolsista Faperj.

Pâmella Cordeiro da Silva, Rio de Janeiro State University

Mestranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da UERJ. Especialista em Literatura, arte e pensamento contemporâneo pela PUC-Rio. Graduada em Comunicação (Jornalismo e Relações Públicas) pela UERJ. Investiga narrativas, influenciadoras digitais, corpos e imaginários. Profissional de comunicação da Superintendência Geral de Comunicação Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

SIQUEIRA, Denise Da Costa Oliveira; VENTURA, Jéssica Baptista dos Santos; SILVA, Pâmella Cordeiro da. Emotion production in fashion consumption: laughing at the celebrity wearing duct tape. ModaPalavra e-periódico, Florianópolis, v. 17, n. 41, p. 283–337, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/1982615x1741202423. Disponível em: https://revistas.udesc.br/index.php/modapalavra/article/view/24116. Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.