Odoyá, minha mãe! Deconstructing the usage of Iemanjá’s image from the Farm case
farm, Iemanjá, social constructionism, methodologyAbstract
This paper approaches the theoretical study which involves a great debate generated in internet involving the fashion Brazilian brand Farm and defenders and members of the black movement, in December of 2014. The brand presented virtually the picture of a carnival costume of Iemanjá, dressed by a Caucasian model –the beginning of the .discussion that transposed social media. To analyze this context there were used the perspective of social constructionism, allied to the methodological process proposed by Montemezzo (2003) to fashion design. The scientific contribution of this research sustains itself in the continuous and plastic process of interpreting a symbol, in this case, the religion of African matrix, and to provide a profitable relationship between it and its audience inserted in a fashion campaign.
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