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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original, unpublished, of a consistent scientific nature and is not being evaluated, in parallel, to be published by another journal (otherwise it should be justified in "Comments to the Editor");
  • Authors and co-authors do not currently have another manuscript under consideration, nor have they published in this journal in the last two years;
  • Authors and coauthors must have a minimum Master's degree student title, co-authoring with a supervising doctor;

  • The manuscripts follows the formatting
  • All author details have been removed or replaced with [omitted for peer review] from the file and from the Properties option on Word, thereby ensuring a blind peer review. If the manuscript is for the Interview section, disregard this item;

  • the articles approved for the thematic dossiers will be published in Portuguese and, if the authors also wish to have them published in English or Spanish, they can send them in by the deadlines set by the journal, and must include in a footnote the name and training of the person who reviewed the version of the article in another language;

  • The authors and co-authors are aware of and agree with ModaPalavra e-Journal’s Editorial Policies and publication rules.

  • highlights the required technical standards: Summary (ABNT NBR 6028: 2021); Sections/Subsections (ABNT NBR 6024:2002); Citations (ABNT NBR 10520: 2023); Illustrations (ABNT NBR 14724:2011) and References (ABNT NBR 6023:2018).

Author Guidelines

The ModaPalavra e-journal publishes scientific consistency unpublished manuscripts, whose contents study the scope of teaching, research and production fields related to Fashion — in it’s social, historical, technological, educational, economic and design developments — understood as a knowledge field and inseparable from contemporary society.

The publication is semi-annual. Submission of manuscripts for Variata, Review and Interview sections are continuously open while articles for the Dossier (thematic) session have open submission every beginning of semester.

We accept manuscripts related to researches developed by teachers, professionals and academics (with a minimum Master’s degree student title, co-authoring with a supervising doctor), in Portuguese, Spanish or English, identified with the journal’s central theme. Members of the Editorial and Advisory Boards may also submit manuscripts to the journal, as long as they comply with the conditions.

The contents expressed in the contributions published by ModaPalavra e-journal, as well as the manuscript’s orthographic and grammatical revisions, are the author’s sole responsibility. Incomplete or erroneous information on the form at the time of submission will not be changed or included during the evaluation process or after the article’s approval. Manuscripts with incomplete information will be returned to the authors.

Editorial Policies

Formatting model and rules for: articles, essays, interviews and reviews.

Questions? Contact us at.


Section intended to unpublished articles, according to the theme of each edition, with open submission in the beginning of each semester. Accepted papers will be published in the corresponding edition.


Section intended for unpublished articles, according to the Journal’s focus and scope. The submission process is continuous and the accepted papers will be published according to each edition’s closing.


Section intended for unpublished interviews, according to the Journal’s focus and scope. The submission process is continuous and the accepted papers will be published according to each edition’s closing.


Section intended for unpublished reviews, according to the Journal’s focus and scope. The submission process is continuous and the accepted papers will be published according to each edition’s closing.


 O texto de Ensaio deverá ter o mínimo 10 e máximo de 16 páginas.


Seção destinada à traduções de artigos que abordem assuntos pertencentes e de fundamental importância para o foco e escopo da revista. 

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.