Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): The Handcrafted Knowledge and Education

					View Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): The Handcrafted Knowledge and Education

In the dossier “The Handcrafted Knowledge and Education”, we present works from research that dealt with the following provocations: what are the artistic, inventive, and educational possibilities that craft practices and knowledge summon when put into dialogue in art classes? How do artists and teachers articulate knowledge, feelings, and crafts in their artistic and also pedagogical poetics? How to make the tensions visible, both in practice and discursively, in the relationship between art and craft? And to what extent are these debates denser in the school context in general?

As a way of problematizing those practices that are generally neglected inside and outside the academic context, to the detriment of the monopolization of knowledge that leaves out the importance of doing and feeling, the texts in this dossier invite us to think together about these issues. Therefore, a way is open to generate debate, reflection, and sharing experiences about artistic work that embraces craft work; around educational practices that dialogue with other knowledge and shorten the distances between doing, feeling, and thinking.

Published: 2022-12-31

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