Knowledge mobilized by future teachers when preparing proposals with manipulative materials and games for teaching mathematics from an inclusive perspective


  • Jean Carlos Lemes Serviço Social da Indústria – SESI
  • Eliane Matesco Cristovão Universidade Federal Itajubá – UNIFEI
  • João Ricardo Neves da Silva Federal University of Itajubá image/svg+xml



games, manipulative aids, teaching knowledge, teacher training


Considering Games and Manipulative Aids as possibilities for teaching Mathematics from an inclusive perspective, this research aimed to investigate and understand the knowledge mobilized by future teachers when developing proposals for activities based on the use of these resources. Carried out in a discipline focused on Practice as a Curricular Component for Mathematics undergraduates at a federal university in Minas Gerais, the research was adapted for remote teaching due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Participants developed and carried out, in their own class, activities using Games such as "Tiguo" and "Fractions with Dominoes" and Manipulative Aids such as "Large-Scale Cartesian Plan" and "Cuisenaire", with a focus on inclusive teaching. Data analysis, based on the Knowledge Base for Teaching and the Mathematics Teacher's Specialized Knowledge (MTSK) model, revealed that undergraduate students mobilized both mathematical and pedagogical knowledge, with a greater recurrence of the subdomains of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. It was observed that the context and recommendations significantly influenced the mobilization of this knowledge. The training seminars enabled discussions on the teaching Mathematics from an inclusive perspective, highlighting the importance of integration between curricular guidelines and pedagogical practices. The research also highlighted opportunities to expand the boundaries of MTSK to encompass the knowledge necessary for inclusive teaching, suggesting the need for training that encompasses both specialized and general teacher knowledge. With the investigative process, the urgency for teacher training that articulates the teaching of Mathematics and teaching from an inclusive perspective stands out, emphasizing the continuous need for teaching specialization.


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How to Cite

LEMES, Jean Carlos; CRISTOVÃO, Eliane Matesco; SILVA, João Ricardo Neves da. Knowledge mobilized by future teachers when preparing proposals with manipulative materials and games for teaching mathematics from an inclusive perspective. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 25, n. 59, p. 67–95, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/1984723825592024067. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.