Managerialism and the new constitutionalized fiscal regime: limits to the right to education for youth and adults




managerial State, EJA: right to education, youth andadult education


The article aims to understand how the Brazilian Managerial State, from the adoption of a new fiscal regime, has compromised the guarantee of constitutional rights, in particular the right to Youth and Adult Education. It seeks to articulate the tensions of the managerial reforms of the Brazilian State in the 1990s and the effects of the Constitutional Amendment 95/2016 on the debate on the Right to Education of subjects inserted in the modality of Youth and Adult Education. The arguments put forward by defenders of the managerial public management format will be presented, highlighting the contributions of Bresser Pereira (1988) and Pimenta (1998) in contrast to the formulations of Machado (2004), Frigotto and Ciavatta (2003), which signaled the devastating consequences of this format for the administrative and pedagogical organization of Brazilian education. The methodology will be based on the documental analysis articulated with the bibliographical discussion based on the aforementioned authors. Finally, as a result, the need to ensure devices, such as FUNDEB, is presented, so that the right to education of young people and Brazilian adults is not in increasing danger.


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How to Cite

CARDOSO JUNIOR, Washington Luís de Andrade; SANTOS, Catarina Cerqueira de Freitas; MUSIAL, Gilvanice Barbosa da Silva. Managerialism and the new constitutionalized fiscal regime: limits to the right to education for youth and adults. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 24, n. 55, p. 87–106, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/1984723824552023087. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.