Eco-friendly printmaking and its contributions to basic education




eco-friendly printmaking, printmaking techniques, printmaking in basic education I


Printmaking, like traditional visual expressions, has expanded its technical and conceptual repertoire as a result of experiments and investigations carried out in the last fifty years (MORO, 2017). Throughout this text, it intends to show that Ecological Printmaking (EP), a product of this expansion, has influenced the emergence of new procedures introduced in Basic Education I, contributing to the development of a sensitive perception and an ethical conscience and conduct of students, in their relationship with the environment. Seeks to identify in these process of choosing disposable materials, the creative management in the making of matrices, highlighting how the concept of sustainability is applied in school artistic practices. (AGUILAR MORENO, 2017) and its progress as a training tool for citizenship. Finally, based on these contributions, highlights the effective relation of EP with the skills required by the new curricular standards known as the Common Core State Standards (BNCC in the Portuguese acronym), including experimenting with different forms of artistic expression, making sustainable use of conventional and unconventional materials, instruments, resources and techniques. (BNCC, 2017).


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Author Biography

Isabel Catarina Suzart Argolo, Pesquisadora Independente

Catarina Argolo, livre-pesquisadora (em artes visuais, design de moda e indumentária), artista, docente (Studio Catarina Argolo), doutora em Artes visuais pela Universidade Politécnica de Valência, Espanha, (2009), graduada em Artes Plásticas pela Escola de Belas-Artes (UFBa, 1991). Publicação recente na Revista Visualidades, v.16 n.2 (DOI: Lattes: 


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How to Cite

ARGOLO, Isabel Catarina Suzart. Eco-friendly printmaking and its contributions to basic education . Journal of Education, Arts, and Inclusion, Florianópolis, v. 19, n. 1, p. e0046, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/198431781820231e0046. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.