Reverberation, disembodied gesture, performance: The performative dimension of the word in public art


  • Rodrigo Maceira PGEHA - USP



Word in performance, Performance, Performative act, Liminoid, Performance space


This paper proposes a theoretical approach of the performative dimension of the word in public art, articulating analytical frameworks around performance borrowed from the works of Turner, Féral and Zumthor. By bringing into perspective approaches from different fields of the humanities, namely anthropology, the performing arts and literature, the text seeks to make possible the description of its object of interest - words operated by artists in public spaces - as one of the expressions of performance in contemporary art. To do so, it presents and relates the notions of liminoid/protostructure (TURNER, 1982, 2013), theatricality and performative act (FÉRAL, 2015), and performancial situation (ZUMTHOR, 2014).


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Maceira, PGEHA - USP

Doutor em Artes pelo PGEHA - USP, tem pesquisa em estética das mídias e performance. Publicou as
coletâneas de contos Até de repente e Um céu diferente daquele de lá. É membro do Colabor, grupo de pesquisa coordenado por Artur Matuck (ECA-USP), na linha Processos Criativos em Artemídia, e professor na ESPM, em São Paulo. |


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PARRA, Regina. Entrevista VI. [Entrevista concedida a] Rodrigo Maceira. São

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How to Cite

MACEIRA, Rodrigo. Reverberation, disembodied gesture, performance: The performative dimension of the word in public art. Palíndromo, Florianópolis, v. 13, n. 30, p. 291–303, 2021. DOI: 10.5965/2175234613302021291. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.