Possible educations: teaching and research through experimentation





education in Visual Arts, research, experimentation


Through this interview, Professor Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira talks about her journey as a researcher, explaining the path that led her to her current investigations. With regard to their areas of interest, we seek to identify their possible relationships with basic education, going through the idea of “possible educations'' to promote the paths of teaching and research that, at times, are built on subversion.


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Author Biographies

Barbara Mariah Retzlaff Bublitz, Santa Catarina State University

Mestre em Artes pelo Prof-Artes - UDESC.

Aline Emidio, Santa Catarina State University

Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of Goiás, she is pursuing an Academic Master's degree in Visual Arts at the State University of Santa Catarina.


CARDONETTI, Vivien Kelling; GARLET, Francieli Regina; OLIVEIRA, Marilda Oliveira de. Experimentações que cavam a incorporação de um corpo/pensamento: entre fotografias, escritas e pensamentos… In: PILLOTTO, Silvia Sell Duarte; STRAPAZZON, Mirtes Antunes Locatelli. Educação estética: a pesquisa / experiência nos territórios das sensibilidades: volume 1 – Joinville, SC : Editora Univille, 2023.

MOSSI, Cristian Poletti e OLIVEIRA, Marilda Oliveira de. “Sábados com Deleuze”: imagens na escrita e escrever pelo fora entre arte, pesquisa e educação. Revista Teias [online]. 2019, vol.20, n.56, pp.214-230.

OLIVEIRA, Marilda Oliveira de. Identidade e interculturalidade: história e arte Guarani. Santa Maria: Ed. Da UFSM, 2004.



How to Cite

BUBLITZ, Barbara Mariah Retzlaff; EMIDIO, Aline. Possible educations: teaching and research through experimentation. Revista de Ensino em Artes, Moda e Design, Florianópolis, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1–9, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/25944630812024e4804. Disponível em: https://revistas.udesc.br/index.php/ensinarmode/article/view/24804. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.