A pandemic reduced-model atelier and its impact in the training of a young scenographer
scenography, model, teaching processAbstract
This article is an account of the author 's experience as a student of the Reduced Model Workshop: Maquete-objeto: ‘maquetes de um mundo imaginário’ taught by Professor Doris Rollemberg in the special academic period of 2020.1 within the scope of the undergraduate course in Scenography at the Unirio Theater School. This report analyzes both the creative process behind the work carried out as well as the resulting textual (creative confessions), two-dimensional (sketches), three-dimensional (models) and four-dimensional (artist book) products that were developed during the course by the author.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lina da Hora e Almendra, Doris Rollemberg Cruz
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.