About the Journal

  • Focus and scope
  • Frequency
  • Qualis
  • Policies and assessment flow
  • Fees (Open Access Policies)
  • Code of ethics and best practices for publication
  • Conflict of interests
  • Verification of originality
  • Plagiarism policy
  • Complaints, appeals and post-publication speeches
  • Urdimento indexing
  • Social media
  • Privacy Policy
  • Simultaneous submissions and multiple publications
  • Free Access Policy
  • Archiving Policy
  • History of Urdimento

Focus and Scope

URDIMENTO – A Journal that focus on Performing Arts studies, founded in 1997 - is a regular publication of the Post-Graduate Program in Theatre, of the Arts Center, of the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). Based on the privileged dialogue between professors and researchers, the journal is committed to the creation of a thematic body of research, promoting stimulus and theoretical support for future reflections on different themes addressed in the large area of performing arts.

Urdimento publishes original and unpublished works originated from theoretical studies, practical experiments, research and reflections, current and historical, seeking to offer its readers texts of quality and excellence, both from Brazilian and foreign researchers, as well as translations of works by foreign researchers.

Urdimento publishes unpublished texts in Portuguese or Spanish, and their versions in English.

The Urdimento - Journal of Performing Arts Studies - objectives:

     I - To establish itself as a channel for the dissemination of recent and innovative studies in the area of ​​concentration of the PPGAC - Performing Arts -, and in its four lines: Body, Performativity and Animation Theater; Political images; Performing Arts Pedagogy; Theatre, Society and Scenic Creation.

II - To develop the interchange among researcher(s) and professionals acting in the area of Performing Arts.

III - Encourage the interchange of information and experiences among national and/or foreign institutions.

IV - Encourage the debate of theoretical-methodological issues related to the Performing Arts.

V - Disseminate original and inedited publications of: articles, reports, dramaturgies, interviews, reviews and documents related to research in Performing Arts.

Periodicity: Continuous - with thematic dossiers expected to be published in April, September, July and December of each year.

Qualis:  A1

Policies and assessment flow

he texts sent to Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas will be evaluated, using the double-blind review system, by two reviewers appointed by the Editorial-in-Chief from among the Board of Reviewers of the Journal.
The Reviewers/Evaluators(s) must be professionals with recognized training and experience, preferably doctors, from national or international higher education and/or research institutions, with significant scientific production in the journal's scope areas.
The article submitted to Urdimento - Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, goes through four stages:
A. In the first phase, the Editorial-in-Chief assesses whether it meets the Journal's publication criteria, mainly related to the scope of the editorial line. The text can be returned to the author with observations and/or suggestions for necessary corrections before forwarding to the evaluators, or rejected for not meeting the Journal's norms/scope.
B. In the second phase, the text is sent to two ad hoc referees (experts in the area or in the approach of the article under evaluation) for their analysis. The text that obtains two favorable opinions for its publication goes on to the Portuguese revision phase and final adjustments by the authors. The texts that obtain two unfavorable opinions are considered rejected and the authors notified of this deliberation. When divergence occurs between the opinions, the texts will be forwarded to a third evaluator. The texts that the evaluators make suggestions for modifications will be forwarded to the authors for corrections as a condition for publication.
C. The third phase consists of evaluating the modifications made by the authors, when necessary, and forwarding the approved texts to the UDESC Journals Portal for submission to the similarity identification software. At this stage, the following may occur: The article is rejected due to excessive similarities with other published texts. The article goes back to the authors for minor corrections of similarities.
D. In the fourth phase, the article that does not present similarities returns to the author to provide its spelling, grammatical and contextual revision, naming, in a footnote, the person responsible for the work, as well as the academic training of this professional.
The work of the ad hoc evaluators consists of:
1. Check the quality and pertinence of the bibliographic survey, the clarity of the theoretical-methodological assumptions, the quality of the reflections and the mobilization of the explanatory and descriptive categories presented in the analysis and/or problem raised;
2.  Analyze the deepening of the article on the theme presented and the academic character of the proposed approach;
3. Take into account the evaluation criteria indicated by the Journal:
  • Conformity of the text to the rules established by the journal.
  • Pertinence og the article to the journal.
  • Originality.
  • Timeliness and relevance of the topic.
  • Clarity and adequacy of the title to the purpose of the article.
  • Brief, clear and understandable summaries and their relationship to the article.
  • Keyword consistency.
  • Clarity of objectives.
  • Structure and organization of the article regarding coherence.
  • Methodological consistency.
  • Theoretical foundation.
  • Pertinence, relevance and timeliness of bibliographical references.
  • Author reflections.
  • Coherence and pertinence of the arguments.
  • Final considerations consistent with the proposed objectives.
  • Language and writing quality.
  • Verification and adequacy of the article to the journal section to    which it was submitted.
Urdimento journal adopts the double-blind peer review system. Reviewers are unaware of authors' names or affiliations, and reviewers' evaluations are forwarded to authors without identifying them.
All articles published in Urdimento are checked for
originality. Verification uses iThenticate software to detect coincidences and similarities between texts under review and those previously published in other sources.
The articles represent the expression of the point of view of their authors and not the official position of Urdimento magazine/journal or the Post-Graduate Program in Theatre of CEART/UDESC.

Fees (Open Acess Policies)

The journal Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, does not charge any fee for evaluating, revising, publishing, distributing or downloading the submitted texts, nor for accessing the published texts, which are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY ), providing public access to all its content and following the principle of encouraging free research, fostering the global exchange of knowledge. The works published by the journal are free to access and use, intended for educational and non-commercial applications. Copyright is assigned to the journal.
Urdimento, Journal of Studies in Performing Arts is licensed with Creative Commons 

Code of ethics and best practices for publishing

Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, has an ethical commitment to authors, evaluators and readers, and follows the principles of transparency and good practices advocated by the code of ethics is supported by the guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publications Ethics), of DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Ministry of Education - Brazil
When evaluating the intellectual content of manuscripts, the Editorial-in-Chief and the Board of evaluators(s) must respect the Principle of Impersonality and Transparency. Any discrimination of race, gender, class, nationality, religious or ideological belief that interferes in the manuscript evaluation process is expressly prohibited.
A. Editors
·      Every editorial decision is based on originality, contribution, pertinence, thematic validity, general structure and compliance with editorial policies to meet the scope of the Journal.
·      Complaints or denouncements about the journal, its staff, editorial board, editor or about published texts can be anonymous or identified and both will be treated with the same seriousness.
·      When launching a new issue, the Editorial-in-Chief of Urdimento informs the authors about the publication and grants them a period of one (01) month to identify and report errors or inaccuracies in the work. The Editorial-Chief then corrects the original.
·      Urdimento publishes errata/distractions and necessary updates. The errata/disclaimer must mention the original article, and the original article must mention the errata/distraction.
·      The deadline for processing, evaluating, final deliberation of the texts submitted to Revista Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, and their publication, is normally four months after submission of the article on the OJS3 platform.
B. Authorship and contribution
Articles whose authors are identified represent the expression of the point of view of their author(s) and not the official position of Urdimento magazine or of the
Pos-Graduate Program in Theater at CEART/UDESC.
The journal is open to receiving manuscripts from national and international authors aimed at publishing and disseminating the Performing Arts that contribute to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data with effective criticality of reliable results for the writing of the text. It should also be noted that the author(s) are responsible for the integrity of the work, and must be aware of and agree with the journal's rules regarding submission and eventual publication.
·      Authors are responsible for the content of their articles, as well as for the copyright of images, videos and any textual or complementary elements of their article.
·      The authors undertake to offer the journal retractions or corrections of any errors. These retractions may be published, together with the retraction request, as an attachment to the text.
·      Authors must ensure that their text is an original work and must not submit the same text to more than one Journal.
·      All authors of the article must be listed by name, and authors who did not contribute to the text must not be added.
Declaration of contribution by aythors and collaborators:
The Editorial Team of Urdimento – Journal of Studies in Performing Arts requests that the authors, when they publish in co-authorship, record at the end of the article the contribution of each onde published at the end of the article. 
Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, adopts the practice of listing of each author, in the case of works with co-authorship (as), bosed by the Taxonomy of Collaborator Functions (CRediT).
All articles in full content are free of charge and are available in their entirety to any reader without the need for registration or password.
Use of the DOI: each article will receive a number for the DOI.
Urdimento recommends that authors store research data in data repositories, as they may be requested even after publication.
Artists recognized by their peers, in their area of ​​activity, and endorsed by the Editors of the Dossiers, can publish articles and/or reports in Urdimento's dossiers, even if they do not have an academic degree, or have only graduated. With this, we began to recognize the artist who has a theoretical/practical domain valued in his artistic universe.
Author ideological responsibility
Articles whose authors are identified represent the expression of the point of view of their author(s) and not the official position of Urdimento magazine or of the Graduate Program in Theater at CEART/UDESC.
Articles presented at scientific events
Urdimento accepts articles from research communications already published in Annals of events, as long as they are substantially revised and increased. And the author must, in a footnote, explain and reference the appropriate Annals. Urdimento only accepts a percentage of 15% similarity with the original text already published in Anais.
C. Evaluator
·      Assessment is based on the merits of the work, not to be affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race or religion of the authors.
·      Submissions and review details are kept confidential.
·      Submissions and review details are kept confidential.
·      The opinions must justify the evaluator's decision and contribute, whenever possible, to the improvement of the evaluated work.
·      The texts sent to Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, will be evaluated, by the double-blind review system, by two reviewers appointed by the Editorial-in-Chief among the body of the Journal's Board of Reviewers.
D. Conflict of interests
The conflict of interests may be of an academic, personal, political, commercial, financial or other nature. Conflict of interests is a process or situation in which author(s), reviewer(s) or editor(s) have interests, visible or not, that may influence the production of data, writing or evaluation/revision of the manuscript. The peer review process, the editors' activity and the credibility of the information present in the manuscripts are associated with conflict of interest management.
The author(s) of the manuscript must inform whether or not there is a conflict of interest through a declaration. This must be obligatorily attached in Step 4 – transfer of supplementary documents. In manuscripts in which there is a conflict of interest, this information must be included in a footnote at the beginning of the text.
The reviewer(s) must inform the editorial team of the Urdimento journal about the presence of a conflict of interest, declaring themselves unqualified to proceed
with the evaluation of the manuscript.
The ad hoc consultant(s) must inform the editors of Urdimento of any conflicts of interest that may influence their opinion on the manuscript, and, if applicable, must delare himself/herself unqualified to give an opinion.
The editor(s) must notify the Associate Editors of Urdimento if there is a conflict of interest in relation to the manuscript, so that the evaluation process is monitored in a transparent manner.
E. Verification of originality
Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, considers plagiarism a Urdimento – Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, considers plagiarism a cited in accordance with the Journal's publication rules.
The practice of "recycling" texts is also prohibited. By depositing the content in the Similarity Check database, it is possible for other editors to compare your submitted texts with those previously published. To verify the principle of Similarity, the journal uses the Crossref - Similary Check initiative, which brings together several journals that aim to protect the originality of the content they publish, thus reinforcing the journal's ethical commitment to its authors, reviewers and society.
“The Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software that detects similarities of texts in databases on the internet, databases and other members, generating personalized reports and informing the links of coincidences of phrases found in documents previously published in other sources” ( PORTAL DE PERIODICOS UDESC, 202?). Available at: https://www.udesc.br/portaldeperiodicos/capacita. Accessed on: 01 Apr. 2023.
F. Plagiarism Policy
·      After the reviewers' evaluation, the submitted material is analyzed using the Similary Check before publication;
·      The similarity reports will be analyzed by the editors individually, and, if irregularities are found, the author will be contacted to make the necessary changes and resubmit the manuscript;
·      If the irregularity persists, the editors reserve the right to refuse the work for possible referral for evaluation and publication;
·      If high levels of textual similarity are identified without references, the submission will be rejected;
·      Adaptations of course completion work, dissertations and theses are accepted, but it should be noted that the authors must inform in the submission, and a footnote will be inserted on the first page, with the reference of the original material;
·      Articles based on research communications already published in Annals of events are accepted, provided they are revised and expanded. And the author must, in a footnote, explain and reference the appropriate Annals. Urdimento only accepts a percentage of 15% similarity with the original text already published in Anais.
·      When identifying unreferenced citations, authors will be given the opportunity to correct them before publication.
·      If there is proof of any type of plagiarism in a text already published, the Journal reserves the right to remove the text from the system. It should be noted that the author is responsible for the intellectual content of the article published in the journal.
G, Post-Publication Complaints, Appeals, and Discussions
Valuing academic/scientific rigor, the journal is open to post-publication review processes, if it receives questions or complaints about the content of a text. Thus, it is recommended that the authors store the raw materials for 05 (five) years (recommending the deposit of data in data repositories) related to the research that originated the publication, as they can be requested in an editorial review process. The journal may also consider requests for occasional corrections by the authors, when related to typing and grammar mistakes. 
Editors may consider a retraction in accordance with
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.

Urdimento indexing

It is the task of the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors to seek to place Urdimento in indexes that give it visibility and maintain its quality. It is also up to  them to permanently update Urdimento's articles together with indexers already conquered.
Social media
The Editorial Support Team of PPGAC journals is responsible for feeding Urdimento's social networks. Self-promotion in posts, political party propaganda, use of foul and offensive language is prohibited.
Privacy Policy
The opinions expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s). The publication of articles, photos and drawings was authorized by those responsible or their representatives. The names and addresses reported in this journal are not available for other purposes or to third parties.
Simultaneous submissions and multiple publications
In order to maintain the quality and originality of the publications, the journal does not accept the submission of the same article that is being processed in another journal simultaneously, or submission of an article already published even with modifications, and that do not change the data and research results. Thus, authors are advised to inform in the manuscript submission process if it has already been presented in other contexts, such as events, even in other languages ​​or countries. Thus, each article will receive a DOI.
Free Acess Policy
Urdimento offers free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available free of charge means providing greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
 Archiving background

Urdimento was launched in 1997 as a periodical of the Theater Research Center for Latin America, of the Center of Arts (CEART) and the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), having Professor André Carreira as its creator and editor until 2003.

In 2004 Urdimento became a journal of the Post-Graduate Program in Theater (PPGT). The editorship passed to the charge of Edélcio Mostaço and its annual periodicity was normalized. In 2005 Urdimento conquered the concept A next to CAPES's qualis for national periodicals.

In 2006 the Urdimento's editorship adopted the policy of publishing in the cover and in the back cover images of plays produced in the disciplines of Theatrical Assemblage I and II of CEART's graduation course in Theater.

In 2007 the journal takes on the definitive nomenclature, which it keeps until today (2021), being called Urdimento - Journal of Performing Arts Studies.

In 2008 Urdimento reformulated its internal structure by adopting the thematic dossiers in its sections. And it became a biannual journal. Changes in structures also occurred in 2011 when the section Photo-Essay of Performances was created, with the intention of giving visibility to the scenic processes of CEART's teachers and students, creating a historical record of their productions.

With v. 1 n. 22 (2014) Urdimento ceased to be printed and became an exclusively online periodical, thus adapting to the new media and propositions of national and international periodicals. And the changes continued when in 2017 this journal became a four-monthly edition. And it was its viability as an online journal that enabled its maintenance and growth during the 2020/2021 pandemic.

The changes of Urdimento, throughout the twenty-five years of its history (1997-2023), reveal that this journal remains alive and in permanent search of approaching the contemporary or historical theater thought and practice. And, with that, Urdimento reinvents itself and appropriates itself of the new tools coming from the implementation of the Master's and Doctorate courses in Theater, with CEART/UDESC. In this path, different editor(s) have assumed the responsibility of continuing to produce this relevant periodical, today qualis A1 at CAPES, and have narrowed the links between artistic production at graduation and theoretical/practical reflection at post-graduation.