Assisting literacy with learning objects




learning objects, literacy, educational games


This paper is a report on the problems of literacy and the possibilities of use of informatics as a way to alleviate these problems. Based on these fundamentals, we developed the learning objects to assist in the acquisition of literacy. One of the objects uses the technique of recognition and sorting of letters. The other object applies to word formation with the ordering of syllables. Both objects are presented in this article. The end of the paper describes the experiences in applying these classes of objects in the second year of elementary school, in two separate semesters.


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Author Biographies

Cristiane dos Santos, Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

Graduated in Information Systems at the Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

Adilson Vahldick, Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

PhD in Information Sciences and Technologies from the University of Coimbra, UC, Portugal.

Has a Master’s degree in Computing Sciences from the University of Vale do Itajaí UNIVALI, Brazil.

Specialist in Technologies for Web Application Development from the Blumenau Regional University Foundation, FURB, Brazil.

Graduated in Informatics Pedagogy at the Leonardo da Vinci University Center, UNIASSELVI, Brazil.

Graduated in Information Systems at the Leonardo da Vinci University Center, UNIASSELVI, Brazil.

Professor at the Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

Eliana Vogel Jaeger, Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

Has a Master’s Degree in Education from the Blumenau Regional University Foundation, FURB, Brazil.

Graduated in Pedagogy for pre-school- to fourth-grade students at the University for the Development of Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Santos, C. dos, Vahldick, A., & Jaeger, E. V. (2013). Assisting literacy with learning objects. Revista Brasileira De Contabilidade E Gestão, 2(3), 55–63.




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