About the Journal

Journal of Visual Arts, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts, at the Aat the Arts, Design and Fashion Center of the Santa Catarina State University.
ISSN: 2175-2346
Frequency: quarterly
Year of creation: 2004


Suspensão temporária de submissões de trabalhos (em todos os formatos) de seção aberta


Comunicamos ao público da Revista Palíndromo que as submissões em seção aberta da revista estão temporariamente suspensas. Estamos com elevado número de artigos em processo de avaliação - e, diga-se, muita dificuldade para receber aceite de avaliadores. Esperamos poder normalizar em breve a submissão em seção aberta.

As submissões para dossiês receberão trabalhos normalmente, conforme as chamadas divulgadas. 

Read more about Suspensão temporária de submissões de trabalhos (em todos os formatos) de seção aberta

Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 38 (2024): Desafios de ensinar a ler linguagens
					View Vol. 16 No. 38 (2024): Desafios de ensinar a ler linguagens

O dossiê DESAFIOS DE ENSINAR A LER LINGUAGENS, com organização da Professora Doutora Roser Juanola Terradellas - Catedrática Emérita da Universitat de Girona/UdG, Catalunha, Espanha e da Professora Doutora Sandra Ramalho e Oliveira - Professora Titular Aposentada da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina/UDESC, Brasil, inicia suas publicações em 01/02/2024. Como a revista agora é fluxo contínuo, os artigos que o compõem serão publicados em periodicidade semanal a quinzenal. Agradecemos as estimadas organizadoras, autoras e autores, avaliadoras e avaliadores. Esperamos que todos apreciem mais este número da Revista Palíndromo. 

Published: 2024-02-01


Artigos Seção temática

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Palindrome Magazine - ISSN: 2175-2346


This is a publication of the Graduate Program in Visual Arts (PPGAV) of the Arts Center of Santa Catarina State University. Have been developed since 2004, initially in printed version and then only electronically since 2009. It is a non-profit digital magazine designed to be a vehicle for the dissemination of research and knowledge production, properly subscribed to the System platform. Electronic Magazine Publishing (SEER). Currently has qualis B1 in Arts.


Palindrome is a word of Greek origin that indicates what can be read in one direction and also in the opposite direction, from back to front. Averse to the order and pre-established norms, research in / about the visual arts refers not only to denied norms, as it demands constant revision of data, processes and reorganization of ideas, welcoming what can be thought of as traffic and crossing that is not known. only direction.


The magazine receives unpublished articles from Brazilian and foreign authors dealing with topics in the field of Visual Arts, resulting from research on: Contemporary Artistic Processes, Art Teaching and Art History and Theory (Art Criticism).


It is published every four months and publishes unpublished articles in Brazil, as long as they are approved by the Editorial Board and meet the norms indicated in the call. Exceptionally, articles by Brazilian and foreign authors previously published in books and journals with restricted circulation in Brazil may be published. Submission is open year-round, and its flow is continuous.


The editorial management is carried out by professors from each of the research lines that make up the PPGAV and is currently represented by Prof. Dra. Mara Rubia Sant’Anna and Prof. Dra. Célia Maria Antonacci Ramos. The Editorial Board is formed by professors from different Brazilian and international universities.


Currently, a production team has been formed by PPGAV students who have a PROMOP scholarship. They are in charge of monitoring the whole process, from the call of current issue to finalization phase.