Echoes of Pibid and PRP in training memorials in the Mandatory Supervised Internship in Languages at UFRPE


  • Thaís Ludmila da Silva Ranieri Federal Rural University of Pernambuco image/svg+xml



Pibid, PRP, ESO, UFRPE, memorials


This article sought to identify the objectives of the Pibid and PRP programs in memorials written by students of the subject ESO IV - Lic. in Letras of the Licenciatura Letras - Portuguese and Spanish course at UFRPE. For this, we started from the considerations about the memorial genre presented by Câmara and Passeggi (2012)  Passegi, Souza and Vicentine (2011), Dourado (2013), as well as Dionísio (2018) and Soares (2001). We also present the considerations around the subject ESO IV - Lic. em Letras that led to the choice of the memorial as an evaluative instrument. Our corpus was built by fragments of memorials in which Pibid and PRP appeared in the reflection around the formation process of undergraduate students. Finally, we were able to identify in the analyzed fragments the objectives of the programs and how they contributed to the undergraduates' initial formation.


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How to Cite

RANIERI, Thaís Ludmila da Silva. Echoes of Pibid and PRP in training memorials in the Mandatory Supervised Internship in Languages at UFRPE. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 24, n. 56, p. 45–64, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/1984723824562023045. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.