Civilization or barbarism? It is imperative to work with young people, adults and the elderly on the impact of the extreme right political model in our society




youth, adult and elderly education, constitution of the human being, historical-dialectical materialism, emancipatory education


The impact of the far-right political project in Brazil caused a series of negative consequences in several sectors of our society, with workers being most affected by elitist and privatist policies implemented in the last 6 years. As they are the most vulnerable, our Youth, Adult and Elderly Education (EJAI) students need to become aware of the damage arising from these policies and their social impacts, based on what they experienced and observed in the period. It is essential that the principle of class consciousness be developed from the recognition of the social role and the game of interests that were hegemonic and that our students experienced, building a collective and critical translation with a view to emancipation. Our text argues that this dialogical-dialectical process of construction of class consciousness is based on Freire's principles: dialogue, collective work, subjectivity, love and praxis. With the purpose of promoting class consciousness and human emancipation from the critical analysis of the current political models in the last 20 years, we present a methodological proposal anchored in Freire, Marx and Reis, to be developed within the scope of EJAI and built by teachers and by the teachers, otherwise we will not be able to humanize our country in the coming years.


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How to Cite

SALES, Márcia Castilho de; REIS, Renato Hilário dos. Civilization or barbarism? It is imperative to work with young people, adults and the elderly on the impact of the extreme right political model in our society. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 24, n. 55, p. 31–56, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/1984723824552023031. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.