The design of a shoes packaging for the LGBTQIA+ community




packing design, shoes, LGBTQIA


The aim of this study is to develop a sneaker packaging that is aligned with the needs of visibility and representativeness of the LGBTQIA+ community. As a methodological procedure, the method proposed by Mestriner (2002) was chosen, consisting of the briefing, field study, design strategy, design and project implementation phases. Its tools will be used – briefing form, field study form and visual analysis of the categories – and added others – documentary research, interview, insight cards, brainstorm, moodboard, two-dimensional prototype, three-dimensional prototype and feedback map. The expected result of this undergraduate thesis is a high-fidelity prototype of a shoes package that conveys the concept through the unboxing experience. It is expected that this study can serve as a basis for designers – academics and professionals – in future productions. The motivation of this research is due to the need to address the subject by and for people in the community, in an attempt to reduce the distance between design and the LGBTQIA+ population.


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Author Biographies

Daniel de Salles Canfield, Federal University of Goiás

Professor de design gráfico da UFG.

Éria Cunha de Alencar, Federal University of Goiás

Bacharel em design gráfico da UFG.

Maria Cecilia Jacob da Cunha, Federal University of Goiás

Bacharel em design gráfico da UFG.


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How to Cite

DE SALLES CANFIELD, Daniel; CUNHA DE ALENCAR, Éria; JACOB DA CUNHA, Maria Cecilia. The design of a shoes packaging for the LGBTQIA+ community. Revista de Ensino em Artes, Moda e Design, Florianópolis, v. 7, n. 3, p. 1–25, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/25944630732023e3893. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.