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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication in another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in PDF format, without author identification. [Except in the case of extended abstracts]

    The submission is accompanied by a term of awareness and consent.

    In the case of interviews, the submission is accompanied by a declaration by the interviewee(s) authorizing its publication.

  • The template available in the norms for text submission was used.   Author Guidelines
  • The author who submits work to the "Dossier" section is aware that they must, if approved, submit an extended abstract of 1000 to 1200 words in English from their finalized text in a specific file, as requested, the translation costs of which will be borne by them, and the translation must be done by a professional qualified for the service [Electronic translators will not be accepted].
  • The images used are copyright-free or belong to the authors themselves.
  • The submission observed the instructions available on Ensuring blind peer evaluation.
  • The abstract met the norms of being informative, containing a maximum of 250 words and being written in three languages, being Portuguese, English and another one of your choice. Likewise, the title followed this norm.
  • Keywords must make direct reference to the title, research object and result achieved. In the same way, the keywords (three to five) were checked as relevant terms and standardized by the controlled vocabulary of the Biblioteca Nacional (

Author Guidelines

Norms for publication

  1. It is up to the author to submit their text to the "Dossier" section or the "Transversal Openings" section. For the first case, the article must be in line with the theme of the respective dossier;
  2. All works must be submitted in PDF, without authorship, for "blind" correction. Submission will take place exclusively through the Journal's electronic platform, accessed at the following address:;
  3. The filling of the "metadata" in the file submission process is mandatory, updating the requested data such as Lattes link (use the URL field to insert the link), Orcid (see instructions on how to get this international code in HTTP), updated email address, mini-curriculum in the bibliographic summary field, and the institution to which one currently belongs;
  4. The texts submitted to the publication must be original and of a consistent academic nature;
  5. The minimum necessary title for the author to submit work to the Dossier section of the Journal is preferably that of "doctor".  It is accepted that coauthors may be masters or master students. For the Transversal Openings section, the minimum is a master's title, and, for the reviews and interviews, there are no restrictions on the author's title. In the Special Edition, the rules of the Fashion Colloquium relative to titles will be considered valid. 
  6. The maximum number of coauthors is 3 (three), i.e., the author and two other coauthors. Special cases will be evaluated by the editors and authorized or not.
  7. The title and subtitle must be typed only with the first letter or proper names in capital letters. The title and subtitle must be translated into English and another language.

  8. The keywords are from 3 to 5 as determined by the library rules. The terms chosen must relate to the title, object and result of the research and be included in standardization documents for controlled terms, such as those available at the National Library. ( Publishers may refuse keywords that do not comply with this standard.

  9. In the final version, destined for publication, the authors must include their full names where indicated on the template and, in a footnote, include a mini-curriculum (up to three lines), link to Lattes, Orcid, and updated email address.
  10. The texts must contain subtitles and present the research sources in detail, besides being required to evince the theoretical referential, the methodology employed, and the conclusions reached clearly and objectively. Except for interviews and reviews.
  11. The grammatical correction and the foreign language version must be carried out by the authors in the case of the article's approval for publication in the Dossier section. In the final version, the name(s), electronic address(es), and title(s) of the qualified professional(s) who performed the grammatical review and/or foreign language version work must be provided for proper crediting.
  12. The articles submitted to the Dossier section must have an extended abstract of 1000 to 1200 words in English [or Portuguese, if the original text is in another language]. This text must be sent in its own file, saved in Word, in a specific submission, upon request by the Editor. SEE SPECIFIC TEMPLATE BELOW.
  13. The expenses with the grammatical review of the Portuguese and other languages will be borne by the authors who wish to have their work published in the journal.
  14. The grammatical review of the texts must be performed by a specialized professional. Upon performing it, the author must indicate, in the last footnote, the name, title, and updated email of the reviewer.
  15. If the text results from research financed by a funding agency, the agency must be mentioned in a footnote included at the end of the title.
  16. Upon sending the work for evaluation, EACH author must also forward the Term of Awareness and Consent filled out and signed, along with the remaining files submitted, as a complementary document, saved in PDF format. Hence, if there are one author and two coauthors, there will be three terms of awareness and consent, all nominal and signed individually.


- Articles must have an extension of 12 (twelve) to 25 (twenty-five) pages, including the bibliographic references (exclusively those cited), illustrations, charts, and tables. As per model/template;

- Illustrations, charts, and tables must be introduced in the written text as high-resolution images (300 dpi). Besides, they must be accompanied by a title, caption, and source;

- The texts must be formatted in Arial font, size 12, space 1.5, with 2.5-cm margins, 2-cm paragraphs, page numbering on the right side, using program Word for Windows or a compatible program - as per the template model - and saved in PDF for the versions to be evaluated, and in Word in their final corrected versions and with indicated authorship, as recommended on the note;  

- The first page must present before the main text: title, abstract with around 150 (one hundred and fifty) to 250 (two hundred and fifty) words, and 3 (three) keywords separated by semicolons. These same elements must be translated into English and to another language of the author's choosing;

- Titles, abstracts, and keywords translated into English and to another language must be placed right below their Portuguese correspondents, formatted in Arial font, size 12, simple space, italics;

- Footnotes must be used for absolutely necessary clarifications. Such notes must be placed with the text editor's own tool, using font Arial, size 10, and simple space;

- Citations with less than three lines must be inserted in the text and placed between quotation marks, followed by the author's surname, year of the cited edition, and page between parentheses. Example: (SOUZA, 2005, p.47);

- Citations with more than three lines must be placed in highlight, Arial font, size 10, simple space, aligned 4 cm from the left margin, followed by the author's surname, year of the cited edition, and page between parentheses. In case of a citation in a foreign language, it must be translated (if the author deems it necessary, the original excerpt may be presented in a footnote);

- The Bibliographic References must follow the patterns defined by ABNT NBR 6023 from 2018;

- Upon sending the work for evaluation, EACH author must also forward the Term of Awareness and Consent [form] filled out and signed, along with the remaining files submitted, as a complementary document, saved in PDF format. Hence, if there are one author and two coauthors, there will be three terms of awareness and consent, all nominal and signed individually.

Reviews, interviews and experience reports must have a minimum of 5 (five) and a maximum of 12 (twelve) pages, respecting the other author guidelines for articles.



- This section is intended for interviews with researchers and personalities connected to the subject areas of the journal;

- The interviews may be illustrated with the photograph of the interviewee. Upon submission, they must be accompanied by the interviewee's declaration that they agree with the publication of the text and their photograph.

- The text must have between 5 and 12 pages at most, considering all the elements. As per model/template

- The grammatical review must be performed by a qualified professional at the expense of the interviewer.


- Reviews must be of national publications from the previous year and foreign publications from the two previous years.

- The text must have between 5 and 12 pages at most, considering all the elements. As per model/template

- Be accompanied by a minibiography of the author of the reviewed book and an image of its cover.

- The grammatical review must be performed by a qualified professional at the expense of the author(s).

 Extended Abstracts

- Articles submitted to the Dossier section must have an extended abstract with 1000 to 12000 words in English. This text must be sent in its own file, in a specific submission, in the Word version. As per model/template

- The English version must be carried out by the author, and the translator must have their credits included below the author's name. The translator's title and updated email must be inserted in a footnote, just as the authors'.


Text with up to 25 pages, developed in line with the theme of the current dossier.

Make a new submission to the Dossier section.

Transversal Openings

Miscellaneous texts of up to 12 pages

Make a new submission to the Transversal Openings section.

Special Edition

The articles elected during the National Fashion School Forum and the texts presented at the International Fashion Colloquium are published in this section. Hence, it is intended for those who received the invitation and submitted to the norms established for this case.

Make a new submission to the Special Edition section.

Foreign language version

A reduced version of the article published in the Dossier section for the foreign language chosen by the author

Make a new submission to the Foreign language version section.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available to other purposes or third parties.