Dossiê temático: Acervos Ex-cêntricos: as materialidades diversas da documentação nas Artes Cênicas

Tematic Dossier: Ex-centric Archives: the diverse materialities of documentation in the Performing Arts

For this Tematic Dossier the Urdimento – A Journal that focus on Performing Arts studies – will receive paper until: 10 June 2025. These papers might be part of Urdimento, v. 2, n. 55, August 2025. 

The Editorial Committee proposing this Tematic Dossieris coordinated by Esther Marinho Santana (University of São Paulo), Phelippe Celestino (University of São Paulo) and Robin Driver (University of São Paulo) and composed of members of the research group Studies of Ex-centric Theatre (UFAC/USP/CNPq): Elizabeth Azevedo (University of São Paulo), Carlos Gontijo Rosa (Federal University of Acre), Henrique Vertchenko (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Lígia Balista (University of São Paulo), Maria Clara Gonçalves (Federal University of Espírito Santo), Marina Domene (University of São Paulo) e Paulo de Almeida Pina (Museum Lasar Segall/IBRAM/MinC).

Dossier proposal:

Performing arts archives serve as valuable initiatives for the conservation of performance history and are among some of the most fruitful resources for researchers. Their broad and varied collections can include documents that are traditionally highly valued by literary criticism in the analysis of artistic practice, such as play manuscripts, correspondence, first editions and journalistic records, as well as resources that are sometimes neglected by specialized studies. Related to the materiality of performance, or the social, political or economic aspects of works, such sources might include programmes, costumes, props, scenery, maquettes, set designs, stage maps, light plots, audio recordings, musical scores, images, video recordings, rehearsal diaries, performance notes, account books, contracts, and censor’s reports, among other documents.

Seeking to advance and expand discussions concerning the potentialities presented by the patrimony of performing arts archives, the Studies of Ex-centric Theatre research group – ETEx (UFAC/USP/CNPq) invites researchers to contribute to this thematic dossier.

Suggestions for possible approaches:

  • The contribution of archives and collections to the revision of critical perspectives and aesthetic value judgments in the Performing Arts;
  • The decentralization of the literary text as the primary means of criticism and historicization of the Performing Arts;
  • Creative and collaborative processes in the Performing Arts, as presented by the archives of troupes, companies and artists;
  • Different modes of seeing through varied visual media;
  • The mediation carried out between stage and audience through show programmes, as well as advertising and marketing materials;
  • The rediscovery and recovery of lost texts and performances;
  • Efforts for the creation, cataloging, organization and maintenance of public or private archives;
  • Incentives and obstacles for the creation of institutions seeking to preserve the history of the Performing Arts;
  • Understanding global theatrical circuits through commercial, diplomatic, mediatic, artistic, and literary records;
  • Debates in Digital Humanities regarding the use of data processing tools and technology for the acquisition, analysis and dissemination of information relating to the Performing Arts.

As well as articles, the dossier will also consider submissions in the following formats: interviews, reviews, and experience reports.

Todos os artigos enviados são avaliados no sistema duplo cego (peer review); e a publicação dar-se-á a partir da aprovação do mesmo por dois/duas pareceristas ad hoc.

Para publicar na Urdimento n.55 o/a interessado/a deve primeiro cadastrar-se como autor/a no link:

Em seguida deverá submeter o artigo na plataforma OJS no link da URDIMENTO até 10 de junho de 2025


Os artigos devem ser encaminhados de acordo com as Diretrizes para os/as autores/as, no link: