Marcus Vinícius and the build-up path to the infused body: between the object of desire and the artwork


  • Danilo Moreira Xavier Federal University Foundation of Rio Grande image/svg+xml



Marcus Vinícius, infused body , accumulation , contemporary , body art


The artwork of the body artist Mar- cus Vinícius, analyzed in this paper, suggests a comprehension of the artist’s body as a fe- asible support to accumulation. Before the object of desire, the artist manages dialo- gues amongst imminent perceptions of the space inserted and the affections entwined with the object interior. Based on the stu- dies of the french philosopher Georges Ba- taille on the concept of Eroticism, Marcus Vinícius works question the designation In- fused Body (Corpo Injeto) considering it as an accomplishable support to the interla- cing with the work of art through the accu- mulation of formal and conceptual subject about this body that creates.


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Author Biography

Danilo Moreira Xavier, Federal University Foundation of Rio Grande

Graduado em Artes Visuais Bacharelado - Ênfase em História, Teoria e Crítica da Arte na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, 2014.


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TATE Gallery. Rachel Whiteread. Untitled (Rooms), 2001. Disponível em < http://www.> Acesso em 05 out. de 2014.

VINÍCIUS, Marcus. O corpo – entre a performance e a arquitetura. In: Reticências... crítica de arte, Fortaleza, v.3, p.70-3, nov. 2011.

_____________. Estratégias Del cuerpo. Disponível em < user/estrategiasdelcuerpo/videos> Acesso em 16 nov. de 2014.

_____________. Marcus Vinícius. Blog Portfólio. Disponível em < http://cargocollec-> Acesso em 16 nov. de 2014.

_____________. Marcus Vinícius. Perfil Facebook. Disponível em < https://www.fa-> Acesso em 16 nov. de 2014.

WHITE Cube. Doris Salcedo. Biografia e Portfólio. Disponível em < http://whitecube. com/artists/doris_salcedo/> Acesso em 05 out. de 2014.



How to Cite

XAVIER, Danilo Moreira. Marcus Vinícius and the build-up path to the infused body: between the object of desire and the artwork. Palíndromo, Florianópolis, v. 7, n. 13, p. 102–124, 2015. DOI: 10.5965/2175234607132015101. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.



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