SomBRafrica: a report on the process
African diaspora, enslavement, shadow theater, performance, urban scenic interventionAbstract
This text presents the paths of Cia Quase Cinema in the conception and production of a new work with the shadow theater for the street. It presents the motivation for the group's research on the diaspora and how the assembly took place, their choices, the processes, and the treatment of the material collected to create the work. In this way, this text composes a report on the stages of assembling the show SomBRafrica.
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Entrevista consultadas:
RIBEIRO, Djamila, Roda viva. TV Cultura, 2020. Acesso disponível em:
Documentários consultados:
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MCQUEEN, Steve. Small Axe. Prime Video. 2020.Acesso disponível em:
FRAGA, César e CASTRO, Maurício Barros de. Sankofa, África que te habita. Netflix, 2020. Acesso disponível em:
Site de consulta:
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