“Laughing is very good”: the laughter and the puppet theater for childhood in Maria Mazzetti´s work – some parallels





Maria Mazzetti, comic, laughter, childhood


This paper aims to bring light to the ideas of humor and laughter found in one of the works of puppeteer Maria Mazzetti. By analyzing some of her texts, we seek to deliberate on topics such as the ideal perspective of entertainment for children, the conception of childhood which permeates her trajectory, and the relationship between laughter and what was understood about the New School movement. We start from the idea that Mazzetti’s conceptions can be expanded to other authors of the national puppet theater of the same period, which leads us to conclude that the reflections developed here suggest, in a certain way, aspects of the broader history of the Brazilian puppet theater.


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Author Biography

Tânia Gomes Mendonça, University of São Paulo

Possui Bacharelado e Licenciatura pelo Departamento de História da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). É mestra pelo programa de pós graduação em História Social da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Atualmente, é doutoranda pelo programa de pós graduação em História Social da Universidade de São Paulo com a tese "Entre os fios da história: o teatro de bonecos no Brasil e na Argentina (1934-1966)".


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PALACIOS, Cristian. Hacia una teoría del teatro para niños. Sobre los hombros de gigantes. Buenos Aires: Lugar Editorial, 2017.

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How to Cite

MENDONÇA, Tânia Gomes. “Laughing is very good”: the laughter and the puppet theater for childhood in Maria Mazzetti´s work – some parallels. Móin-Móin Magazine - Studies in the Art of Puppetry, Florianópolis, v. 1, n. 26, p. 155–167, 2022. DOI: 10.5965/2595034701262022155. Disponível em: https://revistas.udesc.br/index.php/moin/article/view/22414. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Dossiê: O Riso e o grotesco no teatro de animação