Theater and ecology: scales or paradigm chance?




Anthropocene, Ecology, Ecosystem, Theater, Aesthetics


The article exposes the concepts of anthropocene and ecology in relation to theatrical art, to discuss possibilities that artists have to produce ideas and values in line with the ecological urgency in individual and collective relationships between human beings and nature. Through three paths, as a means of constituting scenic relationships in theatre, the author questions about human actions, their limits and scope in relation to global planetary transformations, possible to be represented and sensitized on stage, from the theme, the scenographic and spatial design to the aesthetic design.


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Author Biography

Julie Sermon, Université de Lyon

Professora de Estudos Teatrais (Université Lyon 2) e dramaturga, Julie Sermon consagra seus trabalhos às escritas textuais e cênicas contemporâneas. Escreveu, com Jean-Pierre Ryngaert, Le personnage théâtral contemporain: décomposition, recomposition (éd. Théâtrales, 2006) e Théâtres du 21e siècle: commencements (éd. A. Colin, 2012). Em 2016, dirigiu com Yvane Chapuis a obra Partition(s). Objet et concept des pratiques scéniques (20e-21e siècles), pela editora Presses du réel.


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How to Cite

SERMON, Julie. Theater and ecology: scales or paradigm chance?. Móin-Móin Magazine - Studies in the Art of Puppetry, Florianópolis, v. 2, n. 25, p. 24–49, 2021. DOI: 10.5965/2595034702252021024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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