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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Yes, this work is ORIGINAL and UNRELEASED, the content is not similar (plagiarism) to other published works.
  • Yes, I agree with the Evaluation Policies , this work is without authorship identification in the text and in the Word file, ensuring the Blind Evaluation by Peers (Peer review)
  • Yes, I agree with the Guidelines for Authors of Móin-Móin magazine
  • Yes, I agree with the Editorial Policy of Móin-Móin Magazine
  • Yes, I agree to reference and cite in this work at least one article published in Móin-Móin or in another postgraduate scientific journal in Brazil
  • Yes, I agree with the Privacy Statement.
  • Yes, I agree to request spelling and grammar review by a linguistics professional after approval of the article for publication
  • Yes, I agree to receive requests to evaluate submissions for this journal.

Author Guidelines

I – General aspects

1. Móin-Móin magazine is a biannual publication. Scheduled for publication in July and December of each year.

2. The magazine is run by the Editorial composed of the Editors-managers, Editors and Advisory Committee. The Editors-managers are responsible for defining editorial policies, supervising the entire editorial process and prospecting sources of funding for the magazine. The choice of approaches established within the scope of dossiers is also up to the managing editors, with the help of the Advisory Committee. Editors designate referees for submissions, communicate with authors, manage indexers, apply standards and editorial regulations, and ensure correct compliance with grammatical review and maintaining editorial uniformity.

3. The Móin-Móin Magazine publishes, exclusively, unpublished texts - articles, reports, translations, interviews - resulting from research, studies, debates, artistic and scientific practices in the area of Theater of Animation / Animated Forms and associated fields. 

4. Submission Categories

a) Dossier: this section is composed of unpublished articles, reports, interviews and relevant translations to the thematic area of the magazine and the referred dossier, whose theme will be defined by the Editors and Editorial Board.

Ps.: When submitting an article for this section, the author must correctly select the chosen dossier. (Check out the dossiers with open calls here)

- Reports and Interviews: Include unpublished documents that describe and analyze practices and experiences, with critical reflection (may also include visual, sound, iconographic, artistic, and oral documents, collection memorials, among others) interviews with researchers and artists.

- Translations: Include unpublished translations that are linked to the Thematic Dossier.

b) Articles:  this section is composed of unpublished articles, relevant to the thematic of the magazine (and different from the dossier theme), derived from artistic and/or academic research experiences.

5. Each article may contain images, tables and / or graphics, properly identified, according to the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

6. Texts can be written in Portuguese or Spanish. The magazine also accepts originals in other languages from foreign authors and provides Portuguese versions for bilingual publication.

7. The author(s) should, preferably, have the title of doctor, is accepted, however, doctoral students, masters and master students, and the latter should, preferably, publish together with a doctor. Artists recognized by their peers in their area of activity can also publish articles and/or reports in the magazine, even if they do not have an academic degree, or have just graduated. With that, we started to recognize the artist who has a theoretical/practical domain valued in his artistic universe.

8. We strongly recommend - That authors consult our Previous Editions, in order to map and reference at least one article, or interview or iconography in the text to be submitted to Móin Móin. We believe that this action - to encourage consultation and dissemination of previous texts published by Móin Móin - streamlines and gives visibility to our online collection. 

9. At the time of submission, the author must inform, obligatorily, his degree and the institution where he obtained the title, containing function, city, country and e-mail and fill in the ORCID.

II – Peer Review

10. As long as they attend the formal specifications listed below, the contribution proposals (articles, reports, translations and interviews) will undergo an initial screening, made by Móin-Móin Editorial.

11. Passing through this initial screening, the contribution proposals will enter the merit evaluation process, during which they will be submitted to two ad hoc reviewers (specialists in the area or themes in question). The evaluation process will protect the anonymity between reviewers and authors.

12. The reviews and proposals for contributions will be appreciated, jointly, by the editors. If there are conflicting reviews, a third ad hoc referee will be used. This appreciation will result in the approval or disapproval of the contribution proposal and, eventually, the request to the author of reformulations that answered the criticisms and suggestions of the referees. If such a reformulation request occurs, the author will have 15 days to submit a new version of the contribution proposal, which will be evaluated again by the Editorial and, eventually, by the referees who suggested the changes.

13. Every two years, the Editorial will make a balance of the income of the members of the Committee of Referees, taking into account aspects such as: availability to attend the demands of the Editorial; agility in issuing reviews; quality of the reviews issued; eventuals contributions to editorial policy; maintenance of the personal Lattes curriculum updated. Referees who receive an indication of low performance may be automatically disqualified.

III – Rules for the submission of articles, reports, translations and interviews

14. The texts must be sent to the OJS platform of the Periodical’s Portal of UDESC ( in which the data of the authors must be inserted only in the system’s form , including the email address and biography of up to five lines, emphasizing the institutional link and academic and artistic backgrounds. The file with the article and report must be free of any type of identification, either by the name of the authors typed in the body of the text or in the file properties, or by mentioning information through which the authorship can be deduced. If you have difficulties making the article anonymous, just mention it in the "comments to the editor" during the online submission process. The Editorial will respond to the sender, confirming the receipt of the file. 

15. The papers must be submitted rigorously revised, in accordance with current grammatical rules. Texts must be submitted according to the template provided by the Magazine, authors must download the template and adapt their texts to this format.

16. The articles published by the magazine are of free use, intended for educational and non-commercial applications. Copyrights are all assigned to the magazine.

17. All contribution proposals must be in Microsoft Word text editor (DOC format) or compatible, with font Arial size 12 and 1.5 space. Title in bold, and lowercase. New paragraph in measure “1.25”, all paragraphs together unless there is a heading for each paragraph (headline paragraph).

18. The articles, reports, translations and interviews can be between 8 (eight) and 15 (fifteen) pages and the file must be limited to 8 MB.

19. The file must have the title, font size 14 (maximum 100 characters).

20. The file must present, in font size 10 and single spacing, the abstract (between 400 and 700 characters) and up to five keywords; English title, abstract and up to five keywords (with the same dimensions). The words “Abstract”, “Keywords”, and the title must be in bold. Keywords must be separated by a semicolon and only the first letter capitalized.

21. Notes should be placed as a footnote, Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing and justified margin.

22. Citations of up to three lines must be enclosed in quotation marks and in the body of the text. Citations with more than three lines should be highlighted, in font size 10, single spaced, without quotes and without italics, with indentation to the left of 4 cm. Interventions made in citations (introduction of terms and explanations) must be enclosed in square brackets. Omissions of excerpts from the quotation must be marked by an ellipsis in parentheses.

23. The terms in languages different from the language of the text must be written in italics

24. The insertion of citations, in the article, in non-Portuguese or Spanish language, must appear in the body of the text in Portuguese and in a footnote the text in the original language, plus the name of the translator.

25. References: should only refer to the texts cited in the paper and be at the end of the text. The word References must be in lowercase, bold, Arial, size 12.

26. References must use the author/date system as follows: (AUTHOR'S SURNAME, year) for indirect citations and (AUTHOR'S SURNAME, year, page) for direct citations. Examples: (SILVA, 1997) or (SILVA, 1997, p.452). Different titles by the same author and the same year must be identified with a letter that differentiates them. Example: (SILVA, 1997a, p.452). References must be in Arial, size 10, single spaced and left margin.

27. Submissions are recommended to include photos, drawings or graphic materials (by the author or third parties). It is essential to indicate the source or authorship of the image in the caption. Photos / images must be of good quality and must be submitted with at least 300 dpi.

28. The submission of the original article implies in the authorization for publication according to the Creative Commons 4.0 concept and will be published in the digital Móin-Móin magazine.

29. The magazine does not accept contributions that have been submitted to more than one journal simultaneously. If there is any chance of the submission being evaluated by another journal, the communication to the Editorial must be immediate.

30. The bibliographic citations in the footnotes and the final bibliography must follow the standards of ABNT-NBR 6023, exemplified below.

Some examples:

- Book:

VEIGA, Eliane Veras da. Florianópolis: Memória Urbana. Florianópolis: Fundação Franklin Cascaes, 2010.

- Book chapter:

CHARTIER, Roger. Editar Shakespeare. In: PARANHOS, Kátia (org.) História, teatro e política. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2012, p. 15-33.

- Dissertation and Thesis:

XAVIER, Jussara Jinping. Acontecimentos de dança: corporeidades e teatralidades contemporâneas. 2012. Tese (Doutorado em Teatro) – Centro de Artes, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2012.

- Journal article:

ROPA, Eugenia Casini. A dança urbana ou sobre a resiliência do espírito da dança. Urdimento, Florianópolis, v. 2, n. 19, p. 113-121, 2012.

- Newspaper article:

ALVES, Uelinton Farias. A experiência teatral do poeta Cruz e Souza. Jornal Ô Catarina, Florianópolis, dez. 2013, p. 9.

- Work published in annals:

CABRAL, Beatriz Ângela Vieira. A tensão como pivô da experiência em drama. In: VI CONGRESSO ABRACE, 6., 2010, São Paulo. Anais [...], São Paulo: USP, 2010. p. 1-5.

- Online / Internet Publishing:

RADRIGÁN, Valeria. Cuerpo y voz: unión y separación en la historia del teatro y la danza. Telondefondo: Revista de teoria y critica teatral, Argentina, n. 15, jul. 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 abr. 2014.

Artigos fora do Dossier Temático

Before submitting the article, it is necessary to check the submission's compliance with the Guidelines for the Authors of the Móin-Móin Review


Before submitting the article, it is necessary to check the submission's compliance with the Guidelines for the Authors of the Móin-Móin Review

Relatos e entrevistas

Before submitting the article, it is necessary to check the submission's compliance with the Guidelines for the Authors of the Móin-Móin Review

Dossiê Temático

Before submitting the article, it is necessary to check the submission's compliance with the Guidelines for the Authors of the Móin-Móin Review

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.