poem-dramaturgy for scenic darkness





The present writing deals with darkness as bodyscenical, darkness as problematization that inhabits the Western Theater and its ideal of lightning on stage. The Western body-thought, accostumed to the enlightnment brought by Religion, Science and Art, separates everything that comes from light, everything that gives light, from that which, on an absolutely opposite pole, reveals darkness. In works of visual art, in works of sound art, create-itself-in-resistence poems-dramaturgies, that is, scenical works of art. The West, as the wordly stage of Reason and Theater, constitutes itself as poem-dramaturgy and places itself as space-time-of-scene, at the same time, light and darkness.


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Author Biography

Sócrates Roberto Fusinato, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teatro - UDESC

Artista istmorumeiro, poeta-dramaturgo, professor de antropologia e filosofia, DJ performer. Possui 2 roteiros cinematográficos, 4 livros de poemas, 2 contos, 11 textos dramatúrgicos registrados na Biblioteca Nacional, sendo um texto dramatúgico publicado pela editora SESI-PR. Lattes: CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3517429811625480. Portfólio de escritos: rumeiro.wixsite.com/website


BJÖRK. Human behavior [music video from album Debut]. Written by Björk e Nellee Hooper. Directed by Michel Gondry, 1993. Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0mRIhK9seg. Acesso em 5 ago 2023.

BJÖRK; HOOPER, Nellee. Human behavior [poem-music from album Debut]. Mother Records, 5 jul. 1993.

BRETT, Guy in PAPE, Lygia. Gávea de tocaia. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2000.

COCCHIARALE, Fernando. Entre o olho e o espírito. Disponível em: https://lygiapape.com/artista/. Acesso em 7 ago. 2023.

FEIST. How come you never go there [lyrics from Metals album]. Written by Leslie Feist. Produced by Leslie Feist, Chilly Gonzalez, Mocky, Valgeir Sigurdsson. Vocals performed by Feist, 30 sep. 2011. Disponível em: https://www.vagalume.com.br/feist/how-come-you-never-go-there.html https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/feist/howcomeyounevergothere.html. Acesso em 7 ago. 2023.

FEIST. How come you never go there [music video from album Metals]. Written by Leslie Feist. Produced by Leslie Feist, Chilly Gonzalez, Mocky, Valgeir Sigurdsson. Vocals performed by Feist, 30 sep. 2011. Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2uVRMBD5RY. Acesso em 7 ago. 2023.

HERDER, Johann Gottfried [1744-1803]. Tentativa de uma história da poesia lírica. Trad. Caio Heleno da Costa Pereira. Desterro [Florianópolis]: Cultura e Barbárie, 2018.

KRENAK, Ailton. Futuro ancestral. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2022.

MASSIVE ATTACK; AZEKEL. Ritual spirit [music video from Ritual Spirit EP]. Written e produced by Robert Del Naja e Euan Dickinson. Vocals performed by Azekel. A film by Medium, Robert Del Naja, Dusan Reljin. Starring Kate Moss. 17 mar. 2016.

MEIRELES, Cildo. Babel. Instalação, rádios e televisões, 2001 [Museu Vale do Rio Doce, Vitória - Espírito Santos]. Disponível em: https://enciclopedia.itaucultural.org.br/obra22005/babel. Acesso em 7 ago. 2023.

MEIRELES, Cildo. Babel. Instalação, rádios e televisões, 2001 [Tate Museum, United Kingdom]. Disponível em: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/meireles-babel-t14041. Acesso em 7 ago. 2023.

MUNCH, Edvard. Moonlight [1893]. Symbolism, oil on canvas, 140,5 cm x 135 cm. Localização: National Gallery, Oslo, Norway. Disponível em: https://www.nasjonalmuseet.no/en/collection/object/NG.M.01914. Acesso em 5 ago 2023.

NAJA, Robert Del; DICKINSON, Euan. Ritual spirit [lyrics from Ritual Spirit EP by Trip Hop band Massive Attack]. Produced by Robert Del Naja e Euan Dickinson. Vocals performed by Azekel. Massive Attack, 2 feb. 2016. Disponível em: https://massiveattack.ie/discography/ritual-spirit/. Acesso em 5 ago. 2023.

NAJA, Robert Del; MARSHALL, Grant; VOWLES, Andrew. Teardrop [lyrics from Mezzanine album by Trip Hop band Massive Attack]. Produced by Robert Del Naja, Grant Marshall, Andrew Vowles e Neil Davidge. Vocals performed by Elizabeth Frazer. Virgin Records, 20 apr 1998. [tradução própria]

PAPE, Lygia. Tecelares. Xilogravura, 27cm x 50cm, 1957. Poema-imagem fotográfico de Iara Venanzi. Disponível em: https://enciclopedia.itaucultural.org.br/obra66299/tecelar. Acesso em 8 ago. 2023.

PAPE, Lygia. Tecelares. Xilogravura, 22,20cm x 47,50cm, 1957 [Coleção Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro]. Poema-imagem fotográfico de Fábio Ghivelder. Disponível em: https://enciclopedia.itaucultural.org.br/obra32645/tecelares. Acesso em 8 ago. 2023.

PAPE, Lygia. Ttéia 1 C. Instalação, fio metalizado, 2002 [Galeria Lygia Pape, Museu de Inhotim – Minas Gerais]. Poema-imagem fotográfico de William Gomes. Disponível em: https://www.inhotim.org.br/item-do-acervo/galeria-lygia-pape/. Acesso em 7 ago. 2023.

PINK FLOYD. Eclipse [song from album The dark side of the moon]. Written by Roger Waters. Vocals performed by David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Richard Wright. Produced by Pink Floyd. Recorded at Abbey Roads Studio, London, may 1972- jan. 1973. Capital Records, 1 mar. 1973. [tradução própria]

PORTISHEAD. Over [music video from album Portishead]. Written by Adrian Utley, Geoff Barrows e Beth Gibbons. Go! Beat Records, 1997. Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNWm1sN-Tms. Acesso em 5 ago 2023.



How to Cite

FUSINATO, Sócrates Roberto. poem-dramaturgy for scenic darkness . A Luz em Cena: Revista de Pedagogias e Poéticas Cenográficas, Florianópolis, v. 4, n. 08, p. 1–25, 2024. DOI: 10.5965/27644669040820240202. Disponível em: https://revistas.udesc.br/index.php/aluzemcena/article/view/26308. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Dossiê Temático: SOMBRA EM FOCO: Ensino-aprendizagem, poéticas e práticas com sombras e luzes no desenho de cena