Conceptual breaches of security and environment in the Anthropocene: the security nexuses in formation since the post cold war




The Anthropocene model refers to disturbances on the earth's surface caused by intense human activity. Being associated with a new interval in the geological history of the Earth, it has been approached by several areas of knowledge of the so-called Earth sciences, reaching now to the social sciences and humanities, since its implantation. International Relations (IR) seek a better specificity of their functions vis-à-vis the Anthropocene, expanding their field of action. In the field of Security, it is stated that the actors are more connected and committed to each other and that the meaning of Security based on the state actor and in the political and military sectors no longer makes sense in the anthropocentric model and that transdisciplinarity (for the discipline of international relations and beyond) must be affirmed. Collaborating with a manifesto launched at a conference sponsored by the Millennium Journal, of the London School of Economics, we bring the post-Cold War time cut to broaden the socio-environmental debate in transdisciplinary terms to the field of security studies. The Anthropocene foreshadows a time of insecurity. Although attention to security as a threat has grown in the past two decades in a frank stimulus to the post-Cold War debate and securitization is visible in the global system, a large number of security nexuses in transdisciplinary construction persist that deserve critical review in the face of phenomenon of environmental degradation created within the conceptual Anthropocene, which advocates a bipolar human-nature threat


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Author Biographies

Hermes Andrade Júnior, Universidade de Vigo - Espanha e Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento do Instituto Universitário Militar - Portugal

He is a senior research professor at the Center for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies at the Catholic University of Braga (CEFH / FFCS / UC), Portugal. He holds a bachelor's degree in international relations, a bachelor's degree in military sciences with a master's degree in sociology and a doctorate in public health, emphasizing society and nature. Member of an itinerant chair of transdisciplinarity, he is an activist on sustainable issues who lived and studies socio-environmental issues in the Brazilian Amazon and he was one of the founders of the society of friends in the environmental protection area of Leme Hill (SOAPA-Leme) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He works with sustainability issues and security nexus, such as military culture (ethno and autoethnography), sustainable leadership, environmental education, quality of life, resilience, environmental, ecological, and food security, environmental competence, social innovation, social responsibility, circular economy, organizational culture and sustainable consumption in the digital age. He has articles published in national and international impact journals, and chapters published in Springer Nature and Taylor & Francis (Routledge Studies). He is currently doing a doctorate at the University of Vigo, Spain (Creativity, Social Innovation and Sustainability). At the same university, he is a member of the Teaching Innovation Research Group (GID).

Ana Paula Brandão, Universidade do Minho (Centro de Investigação em Ciência Política - CICP)


Ana Paula Brandão é Doutorada em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais pela Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal), Professora de Relações Internacionais, Diretora do Mestrado em Ciência Política e membro  integrado do Centro de de Investigação em Ciência  Política (CICP), da referida universidade.


Publicações recentes:

- Camisão, Isabel; Brandão, Ana Paula.Playing the market card: The Commission's strategy to shape EU cybersecurity policy. Journal of Common Market Studies [forthcoming/ aceite para publicação]

- Brandão, Ana Paula. Enabling the Securitisation of the Sea Through Hybridity: EU Narrative Under Scrutiny. In: A. Rocha, P. Calderon, & T. M. Guarda (eds.). Developments and Advances in Defense and Security. Singapure: Springer, p. 507-518, 2020.

- Brandão, Ana Paula. The Internal–External Security Nexus: EU Operation Sophia Through the Lens of Securitization. In: P. R. Rocha Á. (ed.). Developments and Advances in Defense and Security. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Singapure: Springer, p. 257-267, 2019.



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How to Cite

ANDRADE JÚNIOR, Hermes; BRANDÃO, Ana Paula. Conceptual breaches of security and environment in the Anthropocene: the security nexuses in formation since the post cold war: . Tempo e Argumento, Florianópolis, v. 13, n. 32, p. e0109, 2021. DOI: 10.5965/2175180313322021e0109. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.