Monitoring of vehicles in organizations private areas




Vehicle Tracking, Neo-6M, GPS, SIM800L, NodeMCU


The vehicle tracking system is increasingly present in the daily lives of companiesthat have their own fleet. This system is mostly used to monitor events that occur outsidethe companies. On the other hand, large companies that have heavy traffic of third-partyvehicles within their headquarters often do not have control over where these vehiclesare, which can characterize risks to the organization's security and setbacks in receivinggoods. With this in mind, the article sought to present a vehicle tracking solution formonitoring third-party vehicles entering companies, through the development of a GPStracker capable of being temporarily fixed, which does not require coupling to thevehicle's electrical system, and that provides position information, and with control rulesso that a given vehicle does not enter restricted areas. With that, a functional prototypethat verifies if the vehicle to which the tracker is connected has entered any areanotallowed, and if so, reporting the situation via email. The device developed was able todemonstrate effectiveness, correctly signaling the entry and exit of pre-determined areasof interest.


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Author Biographies

Fabio Fernando Kobs, Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

PhD in Technology from the Paraná Federal Technological University, UTFPR, Brazil.

Has a Master’s degree in Technology from the Paraná Federal Technological University, UTFPR, Brazil.

Specialist in Industrial Management with emphasis on Knowledge and Innovation from the Ponta Grossa Paraná Federal Technological University, UTFPR-PG, Brazil.

Specialist in Computer Network from the Santa Catarina Federal University, UFSC, Brazil.

Specialist in Teacher Training from the University of the Region of Joinville, UNIVILLE, Brazil.

Graduated in Bachelor of Computer Science at the Santa Catarina Teaching Association, ACE, Brazil.

Professor at the Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

Tiago Pinotkewicz, Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.

Graduated in Information Systems at the Santa Catarina State University, UDESC, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Kobs, F. F., & Pinotkewicz, T. (2021). Monitoring of vehicles in organizations private areas. Revista Brasileira De Contabilidade E Gestão, 10(19), 060–067.

