Expanding repertoires and imaginaries from the reflection of a non-hegemonic pedagogical approach to the Teaching of Visual Arts





Teaching of Visual Arts, Decolonial Studies, Pedagogy of Visuality


There is an insistent approach of (re)production of discourses, visualities and hegemonic ideologies in textbooks and curricula offered or for the teaching of the arts, thus strengthening the exclusive and prejudiced imagination about two cultural products from other temporalities and regionalities, other than Euro - North American, and productions by women artists. Therefore, in this work we seek to reflect on the ways that enable the construction of an anti-racist, anti-sexist, decolonial, horizontalized artistic education, attentive to prejudices in relation to class, gender, race, ethnicity, within other diversities. broad and social change that gives a view of the world. We analyze the work of the artist Gê Viana as a pedagogical possibility that contributes to an education that strengthens his criticisms and his autonomy in the construction of a non-hegemonic identity and worldview. We consider, then, that the pedagogical approach is a political choice of the teachers, being able to trace or not, analyzes and reflections with the students about the contexts, intentions, (re)constructions contained in the images, in addition to creating possibilities for the expansion of the repertoire visual and imagery. In addition, the work of artist Gê Viana may be a possible way to work on questions of gender, race, history, among others, which are only slightly strengthened in the history of art and not in teaching.


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Author Biographies

Lisa Nascimento Gomes de Miranda, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Lisa Nascimento Gomes de Miranda  is an Arts teacher, Master's student in Arts (PPGartes/UERJ), postgraduate student in the specialization in Knowledge and Doing in Visual Arts Teaching (PROPGPEC - Colégio Pedro II) and member of the Research in Art and Visuality group ( PAVIS).

Thamires Burlandy da Mota Chagas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Thamires Burlandy da Mota Chagas is an Arts teacher in the municipality of Rio das Ostras-RJ, a Master's student in Arts (PPGartes/UERJ), a graduate student in the specialization in Knowledge and Practice in Visual Arts Teaching (PROPGPEC - Pedro II College) and a member of Colégio Pedro II Art and Visuality Research Group (PAVIS).

Ana Valéria de Figueiredo da Costa, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

Ana Valéria de Figueiredo da Costa is Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Arts and the Degree in Visual Arts, both at UERJ; Leader of the Research Group on Art and Visuality (PAVIS UERJ)


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, Lisa Nascimento Gomes de; CHAGAS, Thamires Burlandy da Mota; COSTA, Ana Valéria de Figueiredo da. Expanding repertoires and imaginaries from the reflection of a non-hegemonic pedagogical approach to the Teaching of Visual Arts. Revista Apotheke, Florianópolis, v. 7, n. 3, 2022. DOI: 10.5965/24471267732021054. Disponível em: https://revistas.udesc.br/index.php/apotheke/article/view/21137. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.