Call for publication in the Thematic Dossier Art as an experience in the [painting] studio


Volume 1 - 2023 (April)


Theme: Art as an experience in the [painting] studio

“We have to arrive at the theory of art by way of a detour. The theory is about understanding, about discernment, not without exclamations of admiration and without the stimulus of affective exploration commonly called appreciation. It is perfectly possible to delight in flowers, in their colorful form and delicate fragrance, without any theoretical knowledge of plants. But when someone sets out to understand the flowering of plants, he is committed to discovering something about the interactions of soil, air, water, and the sun as a condition of their growth.

John Dewey - Art as experience.


Apotheke journal, an online periodical with free and universal access, will receive unpublished scientific articles on the theme “Art as an experience in the [painting] studio”. This issue will be dedicated to studies and reflections on artistic practice and pedagogical practice that circulate in the creative space. The studio is seen as a space/time/place, where creation processes are thickened and built, in face of the use of artistic methodologies. At the same time, the space/time/place of pedagogical practice is understood as an artistic practice, permeated by critical reflection, a condition to establish visual thinking in the face of Education. In this way, Art and Experience support the reflections on the theme of the studio as a potentialized space, between thinking and making Art. The studio is seen as a space of creation and the possibility to densify the plastic thought, in this sense, it can be constituted in painting or any other visual language, as well as it can be constituted in the way of Education and Art or Art for Education. In addition to the proposition about what a studio is in fact, or what operational methodologies and documentation, and procedures constitute such spaces, the call of this volume also aims to build a core on the theme of experience as a social practice, especially in John Dewey (and their interpretations and readings in line with Contemporary Art and other authors and artists). Evidencing research reports and investigations of how we learn and how we teach is a transversal theme to generate ideas and documents, which constitute teaching as an investigative path. It is in this investigative path that issues, hypotheses, analyses, subjects, and themes hover, which configure the deviation of the creative process, articulating possible rhetoric and its methods.

The Journal also accepts interviews, essays, translations, experience notes, and reviews on the same topic. The works must be posted directly in the submission system, following the specific rules of the Journal. The periodical uses the peer review system and texts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.

Editors and organizers: Jociele Lampert (UDESC) and Fábio Wosniak (UNIFAP)