Call for publication in the Thematic Dossier Dissident experiences in the teaching of visual arts


Volume 2 - 2023 (August)


Theme: Dissident experiences in the teaching of visual arts



Those who understand the power of the voice as a gesture of rebellion and resistance encourage the exploited – the oppressed – to speak up.


Bell Hooks – Raise your voice.


Dissident knowledge is decolonizing, disidentifying, and debinarizing (PRECIADO, 2022). This volume of Apotheke Journal intends to build a dialogue with artist-teachers/researchers about the resonances of images and dissident artistic practices in the teaching of visual arts.

We wish, provoked by Bell Hooks, to engender an act of rebellion and resistance. Raising our voices allied to the epistemic disobedience present in the artistic practices and images of dissident artists is a way of subverting and crossing the boundaries between the binary logic and an imposed colonial and heteropatriarchal hegemonic knowledge. Projecting other possibilities for the constitution of knowledge, others that not only reject the hegemonic languages but question them is the challenge for a unique experience about the dissidents in the teaching of visual arts.

Dissident artistic practices are those that “tear” in half all the colonizing treaties of the arts. These are practices that denounce genocidal and epistemic policies, while at the same time announcing the experiences of sexual and gender dissidents, blacks, indigenous peoples, and women. Exposing that this project of a capitalist, patriarchal, western, Christian, modern, and colonialist world system (GROSFOGUEL, 2011), produces violence that aims to exterminate the bodies that resist this logic.

In this perspective, we invite researchers, professors, and artists from all over the country and abroad to propose texts derived from completed or ongoing research, and whose works can articulate, in a transdisciplinary way, some of the issues presented by the images or dissident artistic practices. How to build another way of thinking/knowing about how to resist in the face of these constructions that desacralize our existences from a binary, Christian, patriarchal, western, modern, and colonialist logic? What have these artistic practices called us to experience, about ourselves and Art/Education?

The Journal also accepts interviews, essays, translations, experience notes, and reviews on the same topic. The works must be posted directly in the submission system, following the specific rules of the Journal. The journal uses the peer review system and texts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.


Editors and organizers: Jociele Lampert (UDESC) and Fábio Wosniak (UNIFAP)