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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors submitting scientific production to Apotheke Journal.

Editorial policy

Artists Teachers National and international researchers are invited to participate in the submission of research corresponding to the field of Visual Arts and Art Education.

Submission deadline:

The publication is quarterly (three annual issues); submissions are open throughout the year, and their flow is continuous. The issues also have calls for the Thematic Section/Dossier, with defined dates, published together with the theme.

Languages ​​accepted for submission:

The journal has Portuguese (Brazil) as its main language and English and Spanish as secondary languages.

Article evaluation and selection systems:

The works received (articles, visual essays, essays, interviews, translations and experience notes) are submitted for consideration by the Editorial Board, which examines the suitability of the work to the editorial line of the journal and the expected standards. They are also submitted to ad hoc reviewers, through the double-blind evaluation system, who can accept, reject or suggest changes to the author. Apotheke Journal has an average of 59 days for the evaluation result and an acceptance rate of 53%.

Texts sent to Apotheke Journal must be submitted in two versions: the first with authorship and the second without mention of authorship, according to the available templates.

Download the template for the article with authorship here

Download the template for the article without authorship here

Article formatting (maximum three authors per article):

Format: the article must be sent in a text file, with the extension .doc or .rtf (files in other formats will not be evaluated). The file, including text and images, must not exceed 5MB.

Paper format: must be A4 (21 x 29.7cm).

Margins: left and top: 3cm; right and bottom: 2 cm.

Number of pages: the paper must have a minimum of eight and a maximum of 18 pages (including title, authors, abstract, body of the text, tables, footnotes, references and appendices).

Font: Arial.

Title: insert the title on the first line, followed by the subtitle, if any. The font must be Arial, size 14, in bold, with centered alignment, single line spacing, no spaces before or after the paragraph, and only initials or proper names must be written in capital letters. The title must contain a maximum of 200 characters with spaces, and cannot be underlined. Italics are only allowed for spellings of foreign words.

All information regarding authorship and institution/affiliation (department, college and university where the author teaches or is studying postgraduate studies) must be filled in the “authorship/metadata” field of the OJS system and must not exceed the limit of 120 words.

Author: for submission, the name(s) of the author(s) must be omitted. Later, when the article is published, the name(s) must be aligned to the right, in Arial font, size 12. There must be a footnote dedicated to each author; this footnote must include a mini-curriculum vitae of no more than three lines, containing the institution to which the author is affiliated, the link to the Lattes Curriculum Vitae (CV) (for Brazilian authors) and their ORCID, accompanied by the updated e-mail address.

Abstract: use the word abstract, in Arial font, size 10, in bold and capital letters, left-aligned, with single line spacing and no space before or after the paragraph. The abstract text must be between 10 and 20 lines long. It must also be arranged in a single paragraph, in Arial font, size 10, justified alignment, single line spacing, with no space before or after the paragraph. In addition, the abstract must be separated from the keywords by a blank line.

Keywords: between 3 and 5 keywords, separated by semicolons, Arial font, size 10, bold, in uppercase, left-aligned, with single line spacing, with no space before or after the paragraph. The keywords must be separated from the abstracts in a foreign language by a blank line.

Title in a foreign language: the title of the article must be translated and precede the respective abstracts. The title must be followed by the subtitle, if any. The font used is Arial, size 10, in bold, centered alignment, with single line spacing, with no space before or after the paragraph, and only the initials or proper names must be written in capital letters. The title in a foreign language must be separated from the abstract by a blank line.

Abstracts in a foreign language: the article must contain two abstracts in foreign languages, English and Spanish. These abstracts should follow the same format as the abstract in Portuguese, replacing the word resumo with abstract and resumen respectively. The abstract in a foreign language must be separated from the keywords in a foreign language by a blank line.

Keywords in a foreign language: should follow the same pattern as keywords in Portuguese, replacing palabras clave with palabras clave (English) and palabras clave (Spanish). Keywords in a foreign language should be separated from the body of the text by two blank lines.

The text should begin immediately after the previous topic.

Subtitles: size 12, bold, upper and lower case, justified alignment, 1.5 line spacing, 0pt spacing before and after.

text characteristics: size 12, normal style, text in upper and lower case, justified alignment, 1.5 line spacing, with 0pt spacing before and after the paragraph and with a paragraph indent of 1.25cm on the first line.

Quotes: quotes of up to three lines should maintain the formatting defined above for the body of the text.

Quotations longer than three lines must be indented 4 cm from the left margin, size 10, normal style, text in upper and lower case, justified alignment, single line spacing, no space before or after the paragraph and no paragraph indentation on the first line.

For further details on citations in scientific documents, consult ABNT NBR 10520.

Images: a maximum of 10 images are permitted, in color or black and white, in .jpg, .png, or .gif format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi each. Each image must be preceded by a blank line. A blank line must also be inserted below the caption. They must be arranged in the body of the text, with the captions (Arial, size 10, centered alignment, single line spacing) immediately below the images, in the following pattern: Fig. (number in ascending order), author, Title, year. The technique, dimensions in cm, location (name of museum, collection, etc., if applicable) and city (if applicable) must be described.

If the text is selected, the images must be sent in separate files with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi, named as follows: image 01, image 02, etc., according to the order in which they are inserted in the text.

Attention: The images that make up the article must be authored by the author(s) of the text or must be accompanied by a term of image usage rights (granted by the author of the image or the institution).
The term must be submitted via the platform, together with the article, in the supplementary documents tab.

Bibliographic, electronic or other material references: must follow the ABNT NBR 6023 standard, separated from the text by two blank lines, after the title “References”, which must be highlighted in bold. References should be in Arial, size 11, normal style, in upper and lower case, aligned to the left, with single line spacing. They should also be separated from each other by a blank line with 0pt before and after the paragraph.

Footnotes: should be explanatory, numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals, Arial font, size 10, normal style, in upper and lower case, justified alignment, single line spacing and with no space before or after the paragraph.

For books:

SURNAME, First name. Title of the book in bold. Edition. City: Publisher, year.

For chapters of books:

SURNAME, First name. Title of the chapter. In: SURNAME, First name (of the organizer of the work, if the author is the same as the chapter, put ______.). Title of the book in bold. City: Publisher, year. p. 0-0.

For articles in journals:

SURNAME, First name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in bold, City of publication, v. 0, n. 0, p. 0-0, abbreviated month, year.

For theses and dissertations:

SURNAME, First name. Title of the thesis/dissertation in bold: complement of the title without bold. Year. Thesis/Dissertation (Doctorate/Master's in Area X) – Faculty X, University X, City, year. p. 0-0.

For documents obtained electronically:

SURNAME, First name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in bold. City: Publisher, vol., issue, p. 0-0, month, year. Available at: http://www - Full URL of the document. Accessed on: day, abbreviated month and year (for example: February 3, 2020).

For films:

Film title in bold (year of release), Director: name of director, Country of production, years.

Visual essays (maximum of 2 authors)

Visual essays must be the result of research and/or aesthetic-artistic experiences and must be specially designed for publication in the Apotheke magazine. The work must be between eight and 15 pages long and must not exceed 5MB.

The first page must contain:

-       title;

-       abstract;

-       keywords.

Paper format: A4.

Margins: left and top: 3cm; right and bottom: 2cm.

Line spacing: 1.5.

Font: Arial 12.

Other formatting, given the poetic nature of the work, is at the discretion of the author(s).

Essays or Writings by Artists (single authorship)

This space is dedicated to experimental writing by artists, artists, professors, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students. Texts must be between five and eight pages long. They must include a title, abstract and keywords. The file size must not exceed 5MB.

The theme must be related to the subject of the Apotheke Journal's theme/Dossier.

Images: maximum of two, respecting the page limit.

Paper format: A4.

Margins: left and top: 3cm; right and bottom: 2cm.

Line spacing: 1.5.

Font: Arial 12.


One interviewer and a maximum of two interviewees are permitted. In the case of groups or collectives, please contact the Journal's Editorial Team for evaluation).

Interviews follow the question-and-answer format and must not exceed 10 pages. They must include a title, abstract and keywords, and follow the other article submission rules.


Translations (single authorship)

Translations will be evaluated according to the importance and relevance of the translated text and must have a maximum of 20 pages. Otherwise, they follow the rules for articles. They must also be accompanied by authorization from the author and the original text.

Experience notes (single authorship)

Experience notes are a space to host aesthetic-artistic proposals from undergraduate and graduate students and other researchers interested in sharing their experiences. The work must be specially designed for publication in the Apotheke journal, must have between eight and 15 pages and must not exceed 5MB.

The first page must contain:

-       title;

-       abstract;

-       keywords.

Paper format: A4.

Margins: left and top: 3cm; right and bottom: 2cm.

Line spacing: 1.5.

Font: Arial, size 12.

Other formatting, given the poetic nature of the work, is at the author's discretion.

Artigos Seção temática

Constitui-se de um conjunto de artigos originais que tratam das temáticas previamente definida pelos Editores da Revista Apotheke. Excepcionalmente são aceitos artigos já publicados em outros suportes, desde que mencionada a fonte e justificada, em nota de rodapé, as razões de sua reprodução.

Artigos Seção aberta

Constitui-se de um conjunto de artigos relativos à área de Artes, originais; excepcionalmente serão aceitos artigos já publicados em outros suportes, desde que mencionada a fonte e justificada, em nota de rodapé, as razões de sua reprodução.

Artigos de Iniciação Científica

Graduando/a que esteja vinculado a grupos de pesquisa e/ou programas e projetos de extensão universitária, com ou sem bolsa de IC, que desejar escrever relatos de pesquisa deverá escrever em co-autoria com doutores/as.

Demanda contínua

Constitui-se de um conjunto de artigos relativos à área de Artes, originais; excepcionalmente serão aceitos artigos já publicados em outros suportes, desde que mencionada a fonte e justificada, em nota de rodapé, as razões de sua reprodução.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.

A Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, regida pela Instrução Normativa n. 18, de 2 de dezembro de 2019, define normas para a utilização do software antiplágio. A saber: os aquivos serão submetidos para a verificação de similaridade de conteúdo no software antiplágio, avaliados e aprovados nos periódicos científicos que compõem o Portal de Periódicos da UDESC. Os artigos  científicos devem passar previamente pela avaliação por pares e pelo crivo dos editores. A verificação de similaridade acontecerá após o aceite para publicação do manuscrito pelo editor. Desta forma, o relatório emitido pelo software antiplágio servirá como indicativo do nível de similaridade, auxiliando na confirmação do plágio. Compreende-se que quanto mais elevado o percentual de similaridade, maior o indício da existência de plágio. Poderão ser desconsideradas da análise as citações e referências efetuadas de acordo com as normas técnicas. Informações disponíveis em:

Este periódico é membro do Similarity Check, iniciativa lançada pela Crossref que reúne vários periódicos com o objetivo de proteger a originalidade dos conteúdos que publicam.
A Verificação de Similaridade usa o software iThenticate para detectar coincidências e semelhanças entre os textos sob avaliação e aqueles publicados anteriormente em outras fontes.
Ao depositar todo o nosso conteúdo na base de dados da Verificação de Similaridade, permitimos que outros editores comparem seus textos submetidos com aqueles publicados anteriormente.