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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
  • Os arquivos para submissão devem estar em formato doc.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando necessário.
  • O texto está com espaço entre linhas de 1,5; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (exceto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento, como anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na seção Sobre a Revista.
  • A identificação de autoria do trabalho foi removida do arquivo e da opção Propriedades no Word, garantindo desta forma o critério de sigilo da revista, caso submetido para avaliação por pares (ex.: artigos), conforme instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a Avaliação Cega por Pares.

Author Guidelines

The submissions for Revista Tempo e Argumento should follow the specifications below:

  1. The Journal will receive articles in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.
  2. For article submission, the author(s) must be a doctor(s).

At the time of submission, the author must inform, obligatorily, his title and the HEI where he obtained the title, complete institutional link containing HEI, function, city, country and e-mail and fill in the ORCID field.

Note: Due to the internationalization policy, it is recommended that articles submitted to the journal, if approved, be translated into English. The responsibility and costs for the translation and its respective revision must be assumed by the author(s) of the article. Tempo e Argumento will publish the article in both languages. The translated text must include the credits of the person responsible for the translation (name and email address).

After publication of an article, an interval of 48 (forty-eight) months is required for submission of a new text by the same author and/or co-author.

  1. The Journal will have the following sessions:
  2. a) Dossier Section: this section comprises unpublished dossiers, of relevance to the thematic area of the Journal. The theme of the dossier can be proposed by the Editorial Committee, by the member(s) of the Advisory Board, by interested researchers, appropriately justified and related to the focus area of the program to which the Journal is associated.

Note: Articles derived from doctoral theses and/or master's dissertations may have a maximum of 20% of their content similar to the original text.

  1. b) Article Section: this section comprises unpublished articles, of relevance to the thematic area of the Journal.

Note: Articles derived from doctoral theses and/or master's dissertations may have a maximum of 20% of their content similar to the original text.

  1. c) Reviews and Translations: the reviews should be of texts published in Portuguese in the last two years and, in a foreign language, in the next five years. Translations of unpublished texts to Portuguese will be accepted, as long as they are accompanied by the consent for the translation of the original text.
  2. d) Sources of the Present Time: comprises unpublished documents, which can be visual, audible, iconographic, artistic, oral, and collections of references, among others. All of them should have consent for publication.
  3. The reviews should have a maximum of four standard pages. The other texts should have a maximum of 30 standard pages, including drawings, figures, table, photos and references.
  4. If photos of children and/or teenagers are used, the Brazilian legislation in force should be respected. This norm does not apply to photos that are stored in historical archives.
  5. Each article can contain 05 images, 05 tables and/or graphs, appropriately identified, according to the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (NBR 6023). The images should be sent in JPEG format, in the minimum size of 96 DPI; have a title, key and source; be located in the body of the text, i.e. identified when they appear. The audible documents should be presented in mp3 format with up to 3 minutes and the documents in video in a posted link.
  6. The texts should be submitted after strict review, according to the grammatical norms in force.
  7. The texts should follow the criteria of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT), during edition, and should be adapted to the project and editorial format of Revista Tempo e Argumento.
  8. The articles published by the Journal are for free use, destined for educational purposes and not commercial. The copyrights are all granted to the Journal.
  9. The names and e-mail addresses on this electronic site will be used exclusively for the purposes of the Journal, and will not be used for other purposes.
  10. The texts should be forwarded in the doc format, through the resource "Online Submissions", found on its respective page of the Journal, mentioned together with the full title, name of the author, position in the institution in which they work, postal address, electronic address and contact numbers. These details should appear on the cover page in order to ensure anonymity in the article review process. The first page of the text should include the title of the article and omit the name of the author and workplace. The texts will be accepted for appraisal as long as they are unpublished and have not been forwarded to other periodicals.
  11. The text to be published should follow the format below: font Times New Roman size 12, paper size A-4, spacing between the lines of 1.5 cm, all of the margins with 2.5 cm.
  12. Order of presentation:
  13. a) Title and abstract in the language of the respective article.
  14. b) The abstract should be informative, contain a maximum of 250 words and three to five key words, describing the focus of the text.
  15. c) The title of the text, abstract and key words should be presented in English.
  16. Quotes and references (bibliography)

- Quotes, according to NBR-10520:

  • The quotes should be indicated in the text by the author-date system.
  • Quotation of up to three lines: in the body of the text, between inverted commas, font similar to the text.
  • Quotation of more than three lines: outside the body of the text, font 11, indentation of 4 cm, without inverted commas (or any other highlight), with simple interlinear spacing, in the right margin similar to the text.

- Name of the author of the text, for both the cases above:

- In the body of the text (normal script for proper names). Example: According to Mota (1997, p. 87), “The academic knowledge [...]”;

- Between brackets, in upper case. Example: “The academic knowledge [...]” (MOTA, 1997, p. 87).

- References, according to NBR 6023, of August 2002, in the author-date system – only for documents effectively quoted in the text.

Examples of References:

- Books  (complete title)

SEVCENKO, N. Literatura como missão: tensões sociais e criação cultural na Primeira República. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2003.


- Chapter (volume, fragmento e outras partes de obra com autor próprio)
FALCÃO, L. F. A guerra interna (integralismo, nazismo e nacionalização). In: BRANCHER, Ana (Org.). História de Santa Catarina: estudos contemporâneos. Florianópolis: Letras Contemporâneas, 1999, p. 167-198.

- Legislation (meio eletrônico)
BRASIL. Lei 10.257, de 10 de julho de 2001. Regulamenta os artigos 182 e 183 da Constituição Federal e estabelece diretrizes gerais de política urbana e dá outras providências. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 mai. 2009.

- Periodicals

AREND, S. M. F. Legislação menorista para o trabalho: infância em construção (Florianópolis, 1930-1945). Caderno Espaço Feminino. Uberlândia: UFU, v. 17, n.1, p. 269-292, jan/jul 2007.


NAVES, P. Lagos andinos dão banho de beleza. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 jun., 1999. Folha de Turismo, Caderno 8, p.13.

- By title, and in electronic media
ARRANJO tributário. Diário do Nordeste Online. Fortaleza, 27 nov. 1998. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 ago. 1998.

- Event
SOUZA, L. et al.Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCOS DE DADOS, 9, 1994. São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo: USP, 1994, p.3-4.


Esta seção é composta por artigos inéditos, de relevância à área temática da revista.


Serão aceitas traduções de textos inéditos para a língua portuguesa, devidamente acompanhadas de autorização da tradução do texto original.


As resenhas devem ser de obras publicadas em português nos últimos dois anos e, em língua estrangeira, nos últimos cinco anos.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.