About the Journal

1 Focus and Scope

Revista PerCursos is an interdisciplinary journal open to different fields of knowledge, but strongly referenced in Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. Therefore, it privileges themes that are transversal to the debates and reflections currently present among anthropologists, educators, geographers, historians, sociologists, information and planning professionals. The Paths are diverse and the journal proposes to discuss the paths of theoretical reflection and disciplinary practices, based on original contributions from researchers sensitive to the role of knowledge production in understanding the concerns of contemporary society.

Periodicity: Quarterly electronic journal.

ISSN: 1984-7246

While in print (until 2004), the journal had ISSN 1519-5589. When it started to be published electronically, the ISSN became 1984-7246. Its frequency has also changed: between 2000 and 2003, one issue per year was published; between 2004 and 2014, two issues (one every semester); as of 2015, three annual issues have been published, one every four months.

The journal was created in 2000 and is linked to the Center for Human Sciences and Education (Centro de Ciências Humanas e da Educação, FAED) of the State University of Santa Catarina (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, UDESC).


2021 – current: Prof. Renata Rogowski Pozzo - PhD

Contact: renata.pozzo@udesc.br


2 Peer Review Process

The submitted papers, first, undergo reading and evaluation by the Editorial Coordination, which will verify if they meet the journal’s Focus and Scope. After this analysis, they will be forwarded for approval by recognized experts in the topics covered, with a minimum PhD degree, preferably external to UDESC, therefore,  not members of the journal’s Editorial Team, and always external to the authors' institution. According to the double blind review, papers will be forwarded to two ad hoc reviewers and, if there are divergence in the assessments, then they will be sent to a third reviewer for final deliberation. Other materials (reviews, interviews, etc.) will be evaluated by the journal’s Editorial Coordination and by the Editorial Board.

Upon being selected as a reviewer, the specialist will have sufficient time to carry out their assessment with due attention. After accepting the evaluation, the reviewers must observe whether the submissions present formality in the work in accordance with the journal’s norms and criteria, such as: relevance to the focus and scope; thematic relevance (originality, timeliness, consistency); writing quality, adequacy of illustrations; adequacy of citations and references to ABNT standards; adequacy to formal submission rules (abstract size, number of pages, typing parameters).

It will be up to the reviewer to verify that the text meets the expectations of a demanding reader and in search of quality papers for their academic update:

a) argument development is logical, coherent, and well-structured;

b) the analyzes developed throughout the text present theoretical and methodological density;

c) there is presentation of research data that support the statements contained in the text.

Finally, the reviewer will issue their decision, which may be: to accept; accept with corrections; reject. The decision must be justified by sending comments and suggestions. Additionally, the reviewer may send files to the editor and/or author for consultation, including revised versions of the original file.

Assessment Process Statistics in 2023

Article rejection rate: 75%

Estimated time between submission and first editorial decision: 3 months

Estimated time between submission and publication: 7 months


3 Ethics, Transparency and Good Practices

Revista PerCursos values and follows ethical principles of transparency and good practices recommended by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Ministério da Educação – Brasil) and organizations such as COPE (Committee on Publications Ethics), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and OASPA (Open Access Academic Publishers Association).

a) Authorship and contributions

Authors involved in the text must receive credit and be held responsible for its content. Not intentionally mentioning an author is considered a serious ethical flaw, which undermines confidence in the paper submitted. On the other hand, it is forbidden to list the names of authors who did not contribute to the text. All authors must be aware of the submission of the text. From 2022, at the time of the publication, all participants in the authorship will be identified and listed (whether in writing, data collection, conceptualization, methodology, supervision, obtaining funding, etc.).

b) Copyright and Licensing Policies

The papers published by the journal are free to use, intended for educational and non-commercial applications. Copyright is all transferred to the journal. The papers whose authors are identified represent the expression of the point of view of their authors and not the official position of Revista PerCursos.

PerCursos is licensed under a Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional

c) Originality Verification

PerCursos considers plagiarism to be a serious and unacceptable ethical breach. All research sources must be rigorously cited in accordance with the journal’s publication guidelines. The practice of “recycling” texts is also prohibited. Revista PerCursos is a member of Similarity check, an initiative launched by Crossref that brings together several journals with the aim of protecting the originality of the content they publish. Similarity Check uses iThenticate software to detect matches and similarities between the texts under review and those previously published in other sources. By depositing all of our content in the Similarity Check database, we allow other editors to compare their submitted texts with those previously published.

d) Complaints, resources and post-publication discussions

Valuing scientific rigor, the journal is open to post-publication review processes, in case it receives questions or complaints about the content of a text. Thus, it is recommended that authors store for five (5) years the raw materials related to the research that originated the publication, as they may be requested in an editorial review process. The journal may also consider requests for punctual corrections from authors, when relating to mistakes in typing and grammar.

e) Ethical supervision

Seeking to avoid giving vent to fraudulently constructed writings, the journal selects top reviewers, for whom its ethical principles are clarified. It is considered fraud any form of manipulation or invention of data or images, in order to change its meaning, without due clarification of the procedures in the text. If any misconduct related to an article published in the journal is found, the Editorial Coordination of PerCursos follows the COPE guidelines in handling these accusations. Although Revista PerCursos is open to host academic productions with different theoretical-methodological approaches and varied positions (which will not necessarily reflect the official position of its Editorial Team or the promoting institution of the journal), texts containing statements and perspectives that violate fundamental rights enshrined in the Brazilian and international law will not be accepted for publication.

f) Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when an author, reviewer or editor has an academic, personal, political, commercial or financial interest that may influence their actions when producing data, writing or evaluating the text. To guarantee ethics in the text evaluation process, it is necessary to manage the conflict of interest. The authors, reviewers and editors are informed, throughout the process, of the need to consider, expose and declare any conflicts of interest to the journal’s Editorial Coordination, so that they are evaluated and, if applicable, disqualify the text, the opinion or decision made.

g) Simultaneous submissions and multiple publications

As stated in the guidelines for authors, the journal does not accept the submission of the same article that is being processed in another journal at the same time. It also does not accept the submission of an article that has already been published, even if it contains modifications that do not alter what is essentially presented as a research process and result. Authors must inform, in the submission process, if the same paper has been submitted in other contexts, such as event, even if in other languages or countries.

h) Ideological responsibility

The papers whose authors are identified represent the expression of the authors’ point of view and not the institutional position of Revista PerCursos or the Center for Human Sciences and Education (Centro de Ciências Humanas e da Educação, FAED/UDESC).


4 Free Access Policy

This journal offers free and immediate content, free of charge, in order to contribute to the democratization of knowledge.


5 Archiving

PerCursos is hosted on the Udesc Periodicals Portal, which guarantees the preservation of its digital content through the Open Journal System, based on the PKP PN system. Data recovery is guaranteed through periodic backups performed by Udesc. The content is also preserved by the Cariniana Network of IBICT (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology), which is part of the LOCKSS program.


6 Fees for text submission and publication

PerCursos does not charge any fees for published texts, nor for those submitted for evaluation, review, publication, distribution or download.


7 Indexers


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