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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission complies with all of the following items. |Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors.

    1.    The contribution must be original and unpublished, and it cannot be under a review process for publication by another journal; if this is the case, you must specify this in the section entitled  “Commentaries to the editor”.

    2.    The format of the submission must be in Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTE format.

    3.    Full URLs of the accessible references in the internet must be provided.

    4.    The text must have spacing of 1,5; Font type Times New Roman and font size 12, emphasis shown by using italics instead of underline (except for URLs); figures and tables must be in the body text (not at the end of the text in the form of Appendices)

    5.    The text follows the style guidelines and the other requirements described in “Guidelines for Authors”.

    In case of submission to a section with peer review (ex.: articles), the instructions available in “Assuring the blind peer review” have been observed.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The Orfeu does not charge any fees for published texts, nor when submitted for evaluation, review, publication, distribution or download.

When submitting the paper, all authors must provide their respective ORCID numbers.

Articles (Special Issues and Free Theme)

All articles should be unpublished and should follow the format specified below:

●      Word count: 6,000 to 12,000 words (not including general title, abstract, keywords and references)

●      Format: .doc or .rtf (up to 5Mb).

●      Margins: left, right, top and bottom of 2.5 cm.

●      Font type and size: Times New Roman, 12

●      Paragraphs: spacing of 1,5 and justified (both left- and right-justified)

The articles must follow the criteria of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). During the editing process, articles will be adapted to the project and editorial format of the Orfeu Journal.

*It is allowed to publish only once a year as first author

**at least one of the authors must have a doctorate degree

Text: The first page of the article should contain:

  • Title, abstract and keywords in the language used in the article (e.g. English, Spanish or Portuguese). For papers submitted in English, please also include title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese. For papers submitted in Portuguese and Spanish please also include title, abstract and keywords in English.
  • Abstract should give an overview of the field of study, background, aims, methodology, results and conclusions and should be no longer than 150 words, formatted in Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced, justified alignment. There should be no headings, figures, or references in the abstract.
  • Keywords: from three (3) to five (5), left alignment

Sections: Where text is subdivided into sections, the titles of these sections should be written in bold, Times New Roman font type, size 12.

References in the body of the text (ABNT): Indications of the sources should be structured in parentheses and follow the author-date system as follows:

●      A single-authored work: (MEYER, 1994, p.15)

●      A work with two or three authors: (COHEN; MANION, 1994, p.30)

●      A work with more than three authors: (COHEN; MANION, 1994, p.30)

Quotations: Quotations of less than three lines must be inserted in the text and enclosed in double quotation marks (single quotation marks are used to indicate citation within the quotation). These short quotations should be followed by parentheses indicating the source, according to the author-date system.

Quotations which exceed three lines must be indented 4 cm from the left margin, followed by the indication of the source according to the author-date system (no quotation mark, font size 11, single-spaced). Quotations of works in a foreign language must be translated in the text, and the original should be presented in a footnote, if deemed necessary.

Footnotes: All footnotes should be numbered and appear in the footer (please use MS Word auto-command: Insert / Notes).

Figures, diagrams, charts, tables, audio and video:

Figures should be inserted in the body of the text, with proper numbering (e.g. Fig. 1 ou Fig. 2 e 3) and should be accompanied by a clear and succinct caption with a maximum length of 3 lines (Times New Roman 10, single-spaced, inserted below the illustration). After approval of the article, the images may be requested separately in .jpeg or .tiff file, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Tables should be inserted in the text with the proper numbering (e.g. Tab. 1 ou Tab. 2 e 3) and accompanied by a clear and succinct caption with a maximum extension of 3 lines (Times New Roman 10, single spaced, inserted below the illustration). Tables should be referred to by number in the body of the text.

Sound files (in the format ".mp3") are accepted and should be inserted into the body of the text. Authors who wish to use video files should contact editors in the first instance to request permission to do so.

In order to protect anonymity in the review process, the name of the author (s), as well as the name of the institution where he/she is currently working, should not be included in the paper. No other reference should be made to the name of the author in the body of the text, either in the headings or footnotes.

The final version of the paper should contain:

• Full name (s) of the author (s) (Times New Roman 12, italic, right alignment), followed by link and email address of the institution (Times New Roman 10, italic, right alignment);

• Articles are the sole responsibility of the author (s).

Papers should be submitted through the "Submissions Online" section on the journal's own page. All required fields must be completed. In the" Summary of Biography " field a short CV (Curriculum Vitae) of approximately 120 words must be provided, if the paper is about to be published.


Translated submissions will be evaluated by the editorial board and will not be subject to the word count for the articles. Original articles should be within the established word count.

The originals should be sent to the editorial board following the same formatting characteristics as those specified for articles.

Issues related to publication copyrights will be analysed for each case.

Reviews and Interviews

Reviews should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Interviews and Essays should should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words.

The originals should be sent to the editorial board following the same formatting characteristics as those specified for articles.


The section “Premiere” is a space for the publication of pieces (scores) which were recently released, including a brief description of the work, videos and photos, if necessary.

*If you are not registered on the ORFEU Journal system, please register yourself as an author before submitting your paper.
We remind you that Articles (with a free theme), Translations, Reviews and Interviews, and Premieres, receive submissions in continuous flow.

Special Issue

Special Issue Thematic

Articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French, with a solid foundation and relevance in the music field.



Free Thematic

Articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French, with a solid foundation and relevance in the music field. Interdisciplinary works connecting music to other areas of knowledge are welcome.


Reviews and Interviews

Reviews should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Interviews and Essays should be between 2,000 and 6,000 words. The originals should be sent to the editorial board with the same formatting characteristics as the articles.


Submissions of translations will be evaluated by the editorial board and will not be subjecto to the size limitations established for the articles.

Original articles must be sent to the editorial board with the same formatting characteristics as the articles.

The issues of copyrights will be analyzed case by case.



The section “Premiere” is a space for publication of musical pieces (scores) that were recently released, including brief description of  the work, videos and photos, if necessary.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes.