
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal DAPesquisa accepts:

1- Article/Experience Reports: original and unpublished, with academic and/or technical-scientific character intended to disseminate scientific research results of empirical, experimental or conceptual nature (maximum 25 pages, including title, abstract, tables, figures, maps, notes and references);

2- Interviews: conducted with researchers, theoreticians and professionals of the field who can contribute to relevant discussion on the respective subjects (maximum of 10 pages, including author's and interviewee's data, place and date of interview).

Editorial norms for submissions as of July 2018:

1. Languages: texts in Portuguese, English or Spanish will be accepted.

2. At least one of the authors must have a doctorate degree.

3. Papers must be submitted with extensive revision, according to current grammar rules.

4. The studies must follow the criteria of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT) and, during the editing, will be adapted to the project and editorial format of the Journal DAPesquisa.

5. Submitted articles resulting from research funded by development agencies should inform the agency in the appropriate field at the time of submission.

6. Order of presentation in the first page:

a) Title, abstract and keywords in the language of the text.

b) Title, abstract and keywords in English (for texts in Portuguese and Spanish).

c) The abstract should be informative, contain a maximum of 200 words, and have from three to five keywords.

8. Format: DOC or DOCX.

9. Figures must be numbered and include title and source of the image.

10. Citations and references:

10.1 Citations, according to NBR-10520:

- Citations must be indicated in the text with the author-date reference system.

- Citation of up to three lines: inside the body of the text, between quotation marks, source equal to the text.

- Citation of more than three lines: outside the body of the text, font size 10, indentation of 4 cm, without quotation marks (or any sort of highlighting), simple interlinear spacing, right margin equal to that of the text.

- Name of the study author, for the two cases above:

- In the body of the text (normal spelling for proper names). Example: According to Silva (2015, p. 12), "The historical context [...]";

- In parentheses, upper case. Example: "The historical context [...]" (SILVA, 2015, p. 12).

10.2 References, according to NBR 6023/2018.


- Books (complete works)

STAM, Robert. O espetáculo interrompido: literatura e cinema de desmistificação. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1981.

- Book chapter (volume, fragment and other parts of the work with own author)

BATISTA, Nildo Alves; BATISTA, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva. A prática como eixo da aprendizagem na graduação médica. In: SAMPAIO, Lúcia de Oliveira (Org.). A formação médica na Unifesp: excelência e compromisso social. São Paulo: Editora FAp-Unifesp, 2008. Cap. 4.

- Journal articles available online

PESAVENTO, Sandra Jatahy. Cidades visíveis, cidades sensíveis, cidades imaginárias. Revista Brasileira de História, São Paulo, v. 27, n. 53, p. 11-23, jun./dez. 2007. Available in: Accessed in: June 13, 2018.

The list of references should contain only the description of the documents effectively cited in the paper.


They must be have proper captions and be clear.

Note: The platform does not accept large files (maximum of 3Mb). If you have problems submitting, try reducing the size using Word image compression.

Images: They should be centered on the page, without text on the sides. The study can contain a maximum of 10 images.

Charts: They must be accompanied by a header to understand the meaning of the collected data, without reference to the text. 



The publication of articles is subjected to two opinions of members from the Editorial Board or of ad hoc collaborators in a process of blind evaluation, respecting the percentage of 75% of the peers being members from outside the institution and/or country.

The selection of articles for publication has as minimum criteria: its contribution to Art and the editorial line of the Journal, the originality of the subject or the treatment given to it, as well as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach. Any changes in structure or content suggested by the reviewers or by the Executive Editorial Board will only be incorporated with the authors' consent.



1. Identification of the author shall be conducted in the system itself at the time of submission, to which only the publisher will have access, under the "blind" evaluation policy, and therefore no kind of identification should be in the file submitted.

2. During the act of registering for collaboration as an author, provide all information fully, especially from all authors of the study: full name, highest degree, institution to which the author is linked, email, updated summary of academic biography, and Orcid ID.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.