Determinants of cost management in Micro and
Small Enterprises
Wênyka Preston Leite Batista Costa
PhD in Business Administration from UnP.
State University of Rio Grande do Norte, UERN, Brazil.
Ozeana Celestino de Lima
Graduated in Accounting from UERN.
State University of Rio Grande do Norte, UERN, Brazil.
Sérgio Luiz Pedrosa Silva
PhD in Geography from UFPE.
State University of Rio Grande do Norte, UERN, Brazil.
Jandeson Dantas Silva
PhD in Business Administration from UnP.
State University of Rio Grande do Norte, UERN, Brazil.
Submission date: May 6, 2022.
Approval date: August 30, 2022.
Issue: Vol. 11, No. 21, Dec. 2022
Determinants of cost management in Micro and Small Enterprises
Objective: The objective of this research was to highlight the determinants of cost management
in micro and small enterprises (MSE) in the city of Mossoró, state of Rio Grande do Norte,
Brazil. Method: MSE are essential institutions for the Brazilian economy due to their
representativeness in number of companies and for the generation of employment and income.
To achieve the objective proposed in this study, a survey was carried out with a quantitative
approach, by applying a questionnaire to managers of MSE. Results: We verified that cost
management offers subsidies that assist in the managers’ decision-making, being inventory
control and valuation, as well as increase in competitiveness, the determinants of cost
management. The participants consider cost control information relevant for the planning and
performance analysis of the company. Moreover, we found that the level of use of cost
management in this research exceeded the average of Sebrae, which points out that 60% of
companies do not use cost control, whereas in this research only 30% reported not to use it.
Contributions: The research contributes to show the relevance of determinants for the MSE
to carry out an effective cost management, indicating a list of practices adopted in the surveyed
companies, which can serve as a guide for other companies to use in their decisions. Our results
were convergent in some aspects and divergent in others with regard to empirical studies
researched in the literature.
Keywords: Micro and Small Enterprises. Cost Management. Determinants.
Determinantes da gestão de custos nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas
Objetivo(s): O objetivo desta pesquisa foi evidenciar os determinantes da gestão de custos nas
micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) na cidade de Mossoró (RN). Método: As MPE são
instituições imprescindíveis para a economia brasileira por sua representatividade em número
de empresas e pela geração de emprego e renda. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi realizada
uma pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa, com aplicação de um questionário aos gestores das
MPE. Resultados: Os resultados evidenciaram que a gestão de custos oferece subsídios que
auxiliam na tomada de decisão, sendo o controle e a avaliação de estoque, assim como o
incremento da competitividade, os determinantes para a gestão de custos. Verificou-se que os
participantes consideram relevantes as informações de controle de custos para o planejamento
e a análise de desempenho da empresa. Constatou-se ainda que o nível de utilização da gestão
de custos nesta pesquisa sobrepujou a média do Sebrae, que aponta que 60% das empresas não
adotam tal medida, enquanto nesta pesquisa apenas 30% declararam não adotar o controle de
custos. Contribuições: A pesquisa tem como contribuição mostrar a relevância dos fatores
determinantes para as MPE realizarem uma gestão de custos eficaz, apontando um rol de
práticas utilizadas nas empresas pesquisadas que pode servir de orientação para outras
empresas em suas decisões. Tais resultados foram convergentes em alguns aspectos e
divergentes em outros com relação a estudos empíricos pesquisados na literatura.
Palavras-chave: Micro e Pequenas Empresas. Gestão de Custos. Determinantes.
Determinantes de la gestión de costos en las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas
Objetivo(s): El objetivo de esta investigación fue resaltar los determinantes de la gestión de
costos en las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPE) de la ciudad de Mossoró (RN). todo: Las
MPE son instituciones esenciales para la economía brasileña por su representatividad en el
número de empresas y en la generación de empleo y renta. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto
se realizó una investigación con enfoque cuantitativo, con la aplicación de un cuestionario a
los directivos de las MYPE. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la gestión de costos
ofrece subsidios que auxilian en la toma de decisiones, con el control y evaluación de
inventarios, así como el aumento de la competitividad, determinantes para la gestión de costos.
Se constató que los participantes consideran relevante la información de control de costos para
planificar y analizar el desempeño de la empresa. También se constató que el nivel de uso de
la gestión de costos en esta investigación superó la media del Sebrae, que apunta que el 60%
de las empresas no adoptan tal medida, mientras que en esta investigación solo el 30% declaró
no adoptar el control de costos. Aportes: La investigación tiene el aporte de mostrar la
relevancia de los determinantes para que las MPE realicen una gestión de costos efectiva,
señalando un listado de prácticas utilizadas en las empresas encuestadas que pueden servir de
guía a otras empresas en sus decisiones. Tales resultados fueron convergentes en algunos
aspectos y divergentes en otros en relación a los estudios empíricos investigados en la literatura.
Palabras clave: Micro y Pequeñas Empresas. Gestión de Costes. Determinantes.
Micro and small enterprises (MSE) are relevant and prompt for the economy in our
current scenario. According to the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service
(Sebrae, 2022), the growth of entrepreneurship in MSE has gained prominence in the economy,
reaching 14 million companies in Brazil. According to Sebrae, MSE boosted the rise of
formalized jobs in Brazil in the first semester of 2022: of the 1.33 million jobs created, 72%
originated from small businesses, with 961 thousand job openings from January to June,
according to a survey based on the General Register of Employed and Unemployed Persons
(Cadastro Nacional de Empregados e Desempregados Caged). Therefore, the predominance
in the generation of employment and income of small businesses over medium and large
enterprises stands out (Maximo, 2022; Oliveira et al., 2022).
This niche of companies is one of the main sources of income generation, especially in
regions where development is scarce. To improve small businesses and solve problems and
effects of the economy, the Brazilian government has provided measures that favored micro-
enterprises (ME) and small enterprises (SE). Complementary Law No. 123/2006 (Brasil, 2006)
came into force in 2006, which establishes Simples Nacional as optional, a tax regime that
simplifies and encompasses state and municipal taxes in a single form, which has since proven
to stimulate the generation of new jobs.
According to Grof (2017), there are agents aimed at helping MSE. Some Brazilian
agencies are circumspect by the construction and instruction of companies, such as Sebrae,
which was founded in 1972 and was the first institution designed to instruct individuals who
intend to be entrepreneurs, providing the service of promoting the practice without interruption
of actions and renewal in the SE by dynamic, free, efficient, and personalized guidance.
Although MSE are institutions that move and add resources to the economy, the
mortality rate of these companies over the years is significant. In the period from 2021 to 2022,
at least 29% of MSE closed their activities after five years of operation (Sebrae, 2022).
According to Santos and Chiaretto (2019), the mortality rate among start-up companies is high
due to risks inherent in the business that are not observed by microentrepreneurs. Statistics
from Sebrae (2022) confirm that about 60% of MSE do not have any type of cost control.
However, costs are fundamental in the daily lives of individuals who are part of
organizations and seek to make their reports based on future expected and beneficial expenses.
The estimation of a company’s costs indicates good management and, therefore, provides a
detailed view of operations. Consequently, decision-making will prove to be faster and more
objective, leading to positive and enlightening results. Nevertheless, costs require something
more specific and detailed, making entrepreneurs face difficulties in the estimations for not
mastering the technique (Fernandes et al., 2021).
Saldanha and Brambilla (2020) highlight that cost management is vital in the decision-
making process, as managers base their decisions on the information provided to them such as
how much, when, and in which area to invest or which amount should be applied to products
and services. In addition to knowledge and control of the manufacturing costs of the
product/service, it is essential to identify the possibilities for improving processes. These
procedures must result in an analysis to identify and eliminate wastes that reduce profit.
Considering the context described by Sebrae, which shows a high mortality rate (29%)
among companies and in which 60% of MSE have no cost control for their decisions, we aim
to analyze the cost management determinants of small business in the city of Mossoró, state of
Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, to verify the degree of knowledge and use of these practices
in the daily decisions of companies.
Regarding the identification of determinants of cost management, Silva Rebouças et al.
(2018) evidenced the following factors: cost control and analysis, the identification of variable
costs, cost planning, the use of absorption costing, and cost monitoring, and the factor of
estimating the unit cost of the product was highlighted as the most common among managers.
In turn, Costa et al. (2018) identified as determinants the estimation of the contribution margin,
analysis of the sale price, cost records, strategic evaluation and pricing, financial analysis of
inventories, detailing cost information in specific reports, monitoring competitiveness, and
control of cash flow.
In search of these factors, Rocha et al. (2019) listed the organization of the sale price,
the contribution margin, and the break-even point in the management analysis of the business.
Zanin et al. (2019) highlighted variable costing as the most used method, and the specificities
of companies, such as revenue, branch of activity, and form of taxation, as determinants in cost
From this perspective, in this research we aim to identify the determinants of cost
management in MSE. The analysis was carried out based on the information that these
institutions can generate to, based on such, verify the decisions that cost analysis can promote.
In view of the current situation, the following research question arises: what are the
determinants of cost management in micro and small enterprises? Thus, the general objective
of the study is to evidence the determinants of cost management in MSE in the city of Mosso
(RN), Brazil.
The research proposal is relevant considering the the involvement of MSE managers,
in such a way that we can analyze its contribution and the discussion on the development of
the topic regarding the surveyed companies. To this end, the study is based on the reports of
Scheren et al. (2019), who assert that knowledge of the cost is vital to analyze whether the
product/service is profitable or not and whether it is possible to reduce it; therefore, it is
appropriate to verify that managers are aware of this contribution, considering that small
businesses face obstacles to survive in the market. Thus, cost management becomes an essential
tool to overcome market difficulties, especially for small businesses, which significantly
participate in the national economy.
In this study we show that cost management can be a tool for improving a company’s
results, assisting management in making decisions based on the data provided by the tool.
The methodology adopted for the research is a descriptive and quantitative case study,
developed based on primary sources, using an adapted questionnaire containing 21 questions,
presented to MSE managers from the city of Mossoró (RN).
The research is divided into five sections. The introduction presents the problem to be
investigated. The second part portrays the theoretical framework. The third section presents a
description of the study’s methodological structure. The fourth section explains the results and
achieved objectives; and, finally, the fifth section presents the final considerations and the
consulted references.
Literature review
After the introduction of the proposed topic, the theoretical framework seeks to
establish a set of content related to the topic to support the analyses carried out in this research.
Thus, the general definitions of MSE are presented next.
Micro and Small Enterprises
According to Complementary Law No. 123/2006, which establishes the National
Statute of Micro and Small Enterprises, MSE are classified according to the company’s annual
revenue. According to Sebrae (2022), this law established a specific tax regime for small
businesses, with a reduction of the tax burden and simplified taxes from the calculation and
payment processes, the Simples Nacional (Brasil, 2006).
Complementary Law No. 123/2006 provides for the regime of Simple Nacional as
optional for these companies and aims to encourage the economical growth of MSE in the
country (Brasil, 2006). Simples Nacional aims to facilitate the payment of tax contributions.
According to Amaral et al. (2021), Simples Nacional is an economic-tax policy instrument that
was constitutionally determined to help MSE by a unified tax collection regime.
In turn, for Queiroz et al. (2021), the tax regime is one of the main decisions to be taken
by a company, characterized by a set of laws that guide and indicate information regarding
taxes that must be paid. From this perspective, according to Veloso et al. (2021), MSE originate
from people with a profile of financial autonomy, qualified as entrepreneurs, with a
socioeconomic impact on the country in which they operate, providing social, technological,
and economic benefits as their activities unfold.
In view of the performance of entrepreneurs, according to Sebrae (2022), small
businesses account for one third of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and in Brazil alone
there are about 6.4 million MSE, generating BRL 420 billion in goods and services and
employing about 52% of the formal workforce. These companies are one of the main means of
growth in the Brazilian economy, considering their capacity to generate jobs. According to
Aragão et al. (2021), companies promote innovation, and entrepreneurship is the action that
encompasses resources with the new capacity to create wealth. Thus, MSE are strong in the
national economy, underlining the importance of seeking to solve management problems
related to these businesses, which means working towards the country’s growth. Thus, this
research seeks to better understand the cost management of these companies.
Cost Management
Small and large organizations prioritize the internal control of costs, whether they are
production-related or transactional, as this optimizes organizational results. Therefore,
logically, the systems and means to carry out this process must observe the cost-benefit ratio
(Braga et al., 2020, Santos, 2021).
The cost is the sum of the expenses resulting from the development of a product or
provision of a service. The cost of the product consists of the direct and indirect raw material
used in production and the expenses for the operation of the company. However, only knowing
the total cost of the product as a management tool is not enough. The knowledge of direct and
indirect costs is relevant, as classifying costs between direct and indirect is rather related to the
developed product or the provided service, and not to production in the general sense (Braga
et al., 2020).
According to the discussion on costing methods, it is verified that indirect costs are the
bottleneck of this system, as direct costs are easy to allocate to the product/service. Cost
management is an efficient process directed by the effectiveness of planning, execution, and
control activities, as companies seek to reduce costs and increase their productivity. It is a
useful tool that assists management in the control and estimation of results (Oliveira et al.,
2021; Wamser et al., 2019).
Cost management in small enterprises’ activities is a relevant tool, despite being poorly
operationalized. With it, it is possible to define sales price, to control inventories, to analyze
production results, sales volume, profit margin, production costs, fixed costs, cost of labor, and
also to analyze the areas with the highest expenses or highest returns, among other factors
(Oliveira et al., 2022; Zanin et al., 2019). Next, the costing methods related to MSE are
Costing Methods
The literature highlights costing methods, whose implementation has been strengthened
by the technological development relationship. As the business world develops, business
activities follow these changes, in which the management of costs previously considered an
expense begins to meet the companies’ needs as a fundamental element to thoroughly know
the expenses, what will the revenue margin be, and other market trends, which are virtually
daily issues in the business sectors, according to Paula et al. (2019).
Braga et al. (2020) clarify that the correct use of the methods, that is, their adoption in
accordance with the organization’s objectives, can and should bring not only financial, but also
managerial returns. As aforementioned, there are different costing methods that can be used in
the most diverse areas, whether industrial, commercial, or service-related, with or without
profit. They are determinant for the generation of knowledge for decision-making. There is no
method that meets all the managers’ needs because, faced with the difficult process of leading
organizations, regardless of the costing method, this does not replace the people who analyze
it (Braga et al., 2020; Santos, 2021).
For Veloso et al. (2021), the main costing methods are absorption costing and variable
costing. The existence of other types is evident, for example, full costing and activity-based
costing (ABC). In this research, the absorption and variable methods will be primarily
described because they are the tools most used by MSE, considering that activity-based costing,
despite promoting an improvement in the allocation of fixed costs, is applied to companies with
a large technological infrastructure.
As a tool prominently used by MSE, absorption costing, according to Vieira et al.
(2019), consists of identifying all the costs involved in the production of goods or provided
services, whether fixed or variable. Thus, it allows production costs, such as labor and raw
materials, and indirect costs, such as maintenance, to be apportioned to the cost of the product
according to criteria established by the company (Oliveira et al., 2022).
The advantage of absorption costing is that it follows fundamental accounting
principles and tax laws. Its implementation is less costly because there is no need to separate
fixed from variable costs. Another advantage is the accurate information for long-term planning
and the demonstration of results for external use, as explained by Veloso et al. (2021). The
disadvantage of the absorption costing method lies in the determination of the value of the
product without specifying the contribution margin, which is the discrepancy between the sales
price and the cost of the product, generating a value that impairs competitiveness with its
competitors (Araújo et al., 2021).
In variable costing, only variable costs are considered, those directly related to the
product, whereas fixed costs are recorded as expenses in the Income Summary. This
understanding derives from the following logic: fixed costs decrease as the volume of
production increases, so they should not compose the cost of the productive unit. The analyses,
therefore, focus on the control of variable costs (Braga et al., 2020; Santos, 2021).
On this matter, Veloso et al. (2021) state that one of the benefits of variable costing is
that the cost of the product is not influenced by costs that are not directly linked to the product.
The obtained profit is not affected by the change in inventory, and the planning of this profit is
part of decision-making. Other benefits include the prompt presentation of the contribution
framework for each product, defined by the difference between the sales price and the cost of
the product, and the generation of management knowledge when it is necessary to know which
products are profitable.
Among the disadvantages of variable costing, Veloso et al. (2021) mention the practice
of excluding fixed costs, which may involve a self-assessment to change the result over a given
period. In fact, there may be obstacles in assessing costs, as there are semivariable and
semifixed costs. Overall, variable costs are used for short-term decision-making, which may
hinder the long-term continuity of the company. It should be noted that the methods addressed
in this study are the most common in MSE. The cost management practices used by these
organizations are described next.
Cost Management Practices
The spread of information and communication technologies (ICT) provided the
connection between economies and, consequently, transformed the practices adopted by
companies, further boosting competitiveness in all branches of activity. Digital media led
everyone to live in a world without borders, in which knowledge of cost management practices
is rapidly disseminated seeking to survive in the business world, to optimize resources in order
to be competitive, and with the aim of maintaining and getting new customers (Aragão et al.,
2021; Paula et al., 2019).
In this context of digital knowledge, companies are daily searching for new methods
and practices of cost management strategies to adapt them to their business. Thus, being aware
of the processes that arise in the market and using them to promote effective cost management
is essential. Next, the main cost management practices recurring in the MSE, according to the
researchers, are described (Table 1).
Table 1
Cost management practices in MSE.
Cost management
Variable costing,
contribution margin,
and break-even point
Practices adopted by most MSE to managerially
establish the sales or service price, excluding the fixed
costs; thus, contribution margin and break-even point
are used to analyze the profit margin.
Menegazzo et al. (2017),
Rocha et al. (2019),
Zanin et al. (2019)
Cash flow
Cash flow is a recurring tool in MSE to control the
transfer of inflows and outflows of resources over a
certain period. In its application, management
optimizes resources and prevents them from being
Costa et al. (2018),
Dummer (2018), Silva
Rebouças et al. (2018)
Budget and cost
Cost budget is a tool for the control and planning of
the companies. It highlights information from the past
and makes future projections, financially and
economically establishing business activities. It is a
goal based on which decisions on the costs of
production/service will be made.
Silva Rebouças et al.
(2018), Santos et al.
(2020), Oliveira et al.
Cost control and
Cost control and analysis is carried out by the study of
all expenses related to the product/service, monitoring
the outflows related to production. Hence, the transfer
of all company expenses is organized so that the real
cost of the products/services can be established.
Oliveira et al. (2021)
Price formation of
Establishing the appropriate sales price for the
product/service is related to the balance between
market and company prices, which include all related
expenses, whether direct or indirect.
Oliveira et al.(2021),
Rocha et al. (2019)
Financial analysis of
Most companies, due to working capital difficulties,
work with minimal inventory, but inventories also
include the raw materials and components of the
products/services. Thus, the purpose of monitoring is
to predict the necessary purchases and avoid financial
Costa et al. (2018), Peres
et al. (2020)
Preparation of
customized reports
Cost accounting promotes the preparation of
customized reports to meet specific needs of
production and managers, for which product cost and
profitability decisions are considered.
Costa et al. (2018),
Fernandes et al. (2021)
Absorption costing
It consists of identifying all the costs involved in the
production of goods or provided services, whether
they are fixed or variable. Expenses, both fixed and
variable, are recorded as expenses in the Income
Summary (a method determined by Brazilian Income
Tax legislation).
Araújo et al. (2021),
Zanin, Souza & Mazzioni
(2019), Oliveira et al.
(2021), Silva Rebouças et
al. (2018), Veloso et al.
The practices listed in Table 1 are usually adopted by MSE, according to (Araújo et al.,
2021, Cavalcanti, & Santos, 2022). There is no better or worse practice, as they adapt to
companies according to their specificities; hence, a recurring and usual practice in one
company may not be useful for another. In addition, within this context, the cost-benefit ratio
must be observed when using the tools (Araújo et al., 2021, Cavalcanti, & Santos, 2022).
Previous Studies Related to the Topic
Articles related to the topic cost management determinants or practices in micro-
enterprises were searched in the literature to analyze their objectives and results and
compare them with those obtained in this research.
In the study by Menegazzo et al. (2017), whose objective was to analyze cost
management practices in MSE in the state of Santa Catarina (Brazil), the research conducted
with about 300 MSE showed that 74% of them use variable costing and 80% estimate the
contribution margin and the break-even point. The authors also found that most managers know
cost management tools, which facilitate decisions involving information on MSE.
In the research conducted by Silva Rebouças et al. (2018), whose aim was to analyze
the determinants of cost management in the salt industry of the state of Rio Grande do Norte
(Brazil), the authors highlighted the variables: cost control and analysis, identification of
variable costs, cost planning, use of absorption costing, and cost monitoring. Calculating the
unit cost of products was the most common factor among managers.
In another study, by Costa et al. (2018), whose objective was to identify the adoption
of cost management practices in fruit growing companies in Rio Grande do Norte, the
following factors were verified: estimation of contribution margin, sales price analysis, cost
records, strategic evaluation and pricing, financial analysis of inventories, detailing cost
information in specific reports, monitoring competitiveness and controlling cash flow, with the
estimation of contribution margin of products as the most used by these companies.
Dummer (2018) sought to verify, together with MSE managers, the relevance of cost
information for management by the slack performance analysis. The results show that, among
the four items analyzed for MSE management, cash flow information stood out, followed
respectively by information on cost accounting, the Income Statement, and the balance sheet.
Most consider cost information to be relevant but underused, while cash flow had the best
In the research by Rocha et al. (2019), the authors sought to identify the contribution of
cost management to price formation in a bakery industry. The results showed that cost
management promotes the detailing and compilation of product costs and expenses, consisting
in an important mechanism for organizing the sales price. The use of contribution margin and
break-even point in the management analysis of the business was also pointed out. The authors
found that the prices were correctly calculated, and only one product had a price higher than
the guide price.
In the research by Zanin et al. (2019), who aimed to analyze cost management practices
in the decision-making processes of companies, variable costing stood out as the most used
method. It was observed that the specificities of companies, such as revenue, branch of activity,
and form of taxation, were determinants in cost management, and cost decisions were
influenced by uptime, highlighting the experience of employees who carry out these control
practices and promote information.
Santos et al. (2020) sought to analyze and identify the usefulness of cost accounting for
the MSE of the Entrepreneur Program of Uberlândia (state of Minas Gerais, Brazil). The
research findings demonstrated that cost management assists administrators in making
decisions, highlighting the relevance of this information for operational and strategic planning.
Moreover, the authors reported that cost accounting information is partially used by
management, as they verified the managers’ lack of technical knowledge to make full use of
this information in cost control.
In the study by Veloso et al. (2021), the researchers sought to analyze cost management
in MSE of Campo Mourão (state of Paraná, Brazil). The results showed absorption costing as
the method most used by MSE; the Excel software was the most used tool; and managers
recognize the relevance of cost accounting as a management support tool, promoting assistance
in decision-making.
In the research conducted by Oliveira et al. (2021), who aimed to identify the relevance
of cost management in the bakery sector of Ituiutaba (state of Minas Gerais), the results showed
that managers recognize cost management as essential for the formation of the sales price of
products, as well as for the planning and control of costs and expenses, with emphasis on
absorption costing as the most used among the surveyed companies.
Methodological procedures
Regarding the objectives, this is a descriptive research. According to Meneses et al.
(2019), descriptive research seeks to describe the characteristics of a given population or
phenomenon or to establish relationships between variables, in addition to observing opinions
and beliefs.
As for the procedures, this study is based on survey research, also known as field study.
This research is characterized by the direct questioning of people whose behavior is intended
to know, collecting data and investigating the object of study in their environment (Leão, 2017).
The approach is quantitative, that is, the research uses quantitative data and statistics to
collect and analyze information to identify the intended characteristics by the sample of the
studied population. According to Raupp and Beuren (2007), this approach is used in descriptive
studies, which seek to discover and classify the analogy between variables and the causal
relationship between phenomena.
The present study seeks to evidence cost management practices in MSE, highlighted as
relevant because they are responsible for promoting the economy in the country, with the
participation of one third of the Brazilian GDP (Sebrae, 2022).
Regarding data collection procedures with business managers, the research used
primary sources, with the application of a questionnaire for data collection based on the
theoretical framework listed.
The questionnaire with 21 questions on a Likert scale (ranging from 1 to 5, 1 being the
least likely and 5, the most likely) was directed to SE in the city of Mossoró (RN). The
collection instrument was sent via e-mail to the MSE managers using addresses obtained from
Sebrae (RN). The questionnaire was prepared based on the theoretical basis of Table 2, using
Google Forms, from September to October 2021, and sent to the managers of 114 companies
registered in Sebrae (RN). Only 48 questionnaires were answered, representing 42% of the
established sample.
Table 2
Theoretical basis of the questionnaire
Theoretical basis of the questionnaire/topics
Authors on which questions were based
The use of cost management as a basis for decision-making
Amaral et al. (2021), Scheren et al. (2019),
Veloso et al. (2021)
Cost management is relevant to the management of small and
medium-sized enterprises
Araújo et al. (2021), Grof (2017), Oliveira
et al. (2022)
Small and medium-sized enterprises are influenced by cost
management to face the competitive market
Grof (2017), Oliveira et al. (2022), Veloso
et al. (2021)
Cost records
Rocha et al. (2019), Scheren et al. (2019)
Inventory control and valuation
Peres et al. (2020)
Performance analysis of the company
Scheren et al. (2019)
Control of operations
Scheren et al. (2019), Silveira (2021)
Assistance with planning activities
Santos and Chiaretto (2019), Scheren et al.
(2019), Queiroz et al. (2021)
Determination of the sale price of the products
Rocha et al. (2019), Wamser et al. (2019)
Contribution to decision-making
Scheren et al. (2019)
Regarding data processing, it should be noted that descriptive statistics (mean,
frequency, and standard deviation) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) techniques were
employed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version
20.0; subsequently, the research findings were compared with the theoretical framework.
Presentation and analysis of the results
To identify the respondents’ profile, we addressed questions on sex, age group, level of
education, employment position in the company, and length of time the company has been
operating in the market, as shown in Table 3.
Table 3
Profile of survey respondents
Respondents’ profile
Age group
Up to 20 years old
Between 21 and 25 years old
Between 26 and 30 years old
Between 31 and 45 years old
Over 46 years old
Level of education
Some elementary school
Elementary school
High school
Some college
College degree
Some Graduate Study
Graduate Degree
Employment position in
the company
Managing partner
Board of Directors
Tempo de atuação da
empresa no mercado
Até 1 ano
Entre 1 e 2 anos
Entre 2 e 3 anos
Entre 5 e 10 anos
Mais de 10 anos
Women predominated among the survey respondents, corresponding to 52.1% of the
sample. The age group with the highest recurrence was between 31 and 45 years old,
representing 37.4%. Regarding level of education, the majority (35.4%) held a college degree.
Managers who owned their companies represented a very significant rate, with 68.7%, while
companies with over 10 years of operation in the market represented 31.3% of the sample. We
also sought to identify the company’s profile concerning its knowledge of cost management,
as shown in Table 4.
Table 4
Profile of the respondents’ company
Respondents’ profile
Percentage (%)
Some cost
management is
applied in the
Some cost management is applied in the company
In the company,
accounting is carried
In the company, accounting is carried out
Methods for recording
Computerized system
Methods for recording costs
Does not use it
Performs inventory
Performs inventory control
Company sector
Company sector
Costing methods used
Absorption costing
Costing methods used
Variable costing
No method
Currently, cost management already has a significant application in companies, but
about one third (31.3%) of the respondents do not apply any cost management, an average that
is lower than that identified by Sebrae (2022), according to which 60% of MSE have no cost
control. As a cause of this scarcity, Santos and Bonfim (2020) found the managers’ lack of
knowledge of cost management, and the study by Zanin et al. (2019) pointed out the need for
a professional with technical knowledge to perform this task.
Computerized systems already predominate as control aids: a research showed that
39.6% of companies use cost record methods with computerized systems. According to Paula
et al. (2019) and Aragão et al. (2021), companies have adapted to new digital technologies to
remain competitive in the market.
About 60% of institutions control inventories, and most businesses are in the commerce
sector, which accounted for 79.2% of the responses. According to Peres et al. (2020), inventory
control is vital for the company to optimize the purchasing process, as resources are scarce and
it is necessary to invest where there is a shortage of inputs. In Table 5 we show the branch of
activity of the companies.
Table 5
Companies’ branch of activity
Respondents’ profile
Percentage (%)
Company’s branch
of activity
Cell phone accessories
Company’s branch of activity
Gift items
Bed, table and bath linen
Engineering and consulting
Electrical equipment
Cleaning products
Metal recycling
Oil outsourcer
Utilities and appliances
Brazil is the fifth largest industry in the world and the fourth largest in terms of garment
volume in the textile area, with an average production of 1.3 million textile products and 6.7
million clothing items. Being self-sufficient in cotton production, it stands out as the largest
textile chain in the West, producing everything from fiber to retail, in addition to being the
world’s largest exporter in this segment. According to Table 3, the predominant branch of
activity was clothing, representing 35.2% of the respondents, followed by food, with 16.5%.
The other activities showed low participation in the study (Associação Brasileira de Indústria
Têxteis, 2022; Cavalcanti & Santos, 2022).
Cost Management Practices
We also sought to estimate the mean and standard deviation of the variables that
compose the research instrument, aiming to highlight the practice of cost management with the
greatest influence on MSE, as highlighted in Table 4. The questionnaire with 21 questions was
prepared using the Likert scale model (ranging from 1 to 5, 1 being the least likely and 5, the
most likely) and sent via e-mail to micro-enterprises in the city of Mossoró (RN), registered
with the local Sebrae. Of the 114 companies invited to participate with the submission of the
questionnaire (via Google Forms), only 48 answered it, representing 42% of the established
Table 6
Mean and standard deviation of the variables
Description of the variable
Use of cost management as a basis for decision-making
Cost management is relevant to the management of small
and medium-sized enterprises
Small and medium-sized enterprises are influenced by cost
management to face the competitive market
Cost records
Inventory control and valuation
Performance analysis of the company
Determination of profit
Control of operations
Assistance with planning activities
Determination of the sale price of the products
Contribution to decision-making
Based on our findings, it should be noted that the most frequent variable is V07, which
emphasizes the determination of profit, which obtained an average of 4.68. The determination
of costs is essential for the valuation of inventories, analysis and determination of prices,
among others. The methods are developed to verify, determine, and estimate costs, carry out
evaluations, and promote the improvement of institutions. However, its implementation can
only be effective if there is a correct and complete understanding of the costs, as they constitute
the basic information for the methods and analyses (Peres et al., 2020, Rocha et al., 2019).
Determinants of Costs management in MSE
In this section, we sought to highlight determinants of the use of cost management for
the studied organizations. To this end, the EFA was used, which can be understood as a
multivariate technique that seeks to find, by a data matrix, factors also called latent variables
that best represent a set of variables (Brown, 2006). Seeking to demonstrate the reliability and
suitability of the sample for the application of this technique, we used the following tests:
Cronbach’s alpha, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), and Bartlett’s Sphericity (Hair Jr. et al., 2010).
In Table 5 we present the results of these tests and the analysis parameters.
Table 7
Results of the tests
Resultados da pesquisa
Parâmetros hair et al. (2010)
Maior que 0,7
Esfericidade de Bartlett
Menor que 0,05
Alpha de Cronbach
Maior que 0,60
With the research data, we verified that the EFA is adequate, considering that the
performed tests exceeded the parameters defined by Hair Jr. et al. (2010). The first test
performed for this adequacy was the KMO, responsible for demonstrating the ratio between
the variables tested by the study. If the obtained ratio is small or lower than the defined
parameters (in this case, higher than 0.7), the statistical technique is considered adequate.
Subsequently, the Bartlett’s Sphericity Test was performed, which seeks to verify the status of
the ratio between the variables and the population under study, assessing the significance of all
the correlations present in the data matrix, considering that it was lower than 0.05 (Vieira et
al., 2019).
Conversely, the Cronbach’s alpha is used to demonstrate the reliability of the research
instrument, and its value constitutes the mean correlation between questions (variables) that
are part of the research instrument. Thus, the alpha value is influenced by the number of
variables and the sample size, and in the case of this research the alpha was satisfactory,
observing that the variables validated for the EFA were those with a variation greater than 0.60
(Vieira et al., 2019).
The variance test was also performed, as shown in Table 6.
Table 8
Result of the variance test
Extraction sums of squared loadings
Rotation sums of squared loadings
% of variance
% cumulativa
% of variance
% cumulativa
This test verifies the percentage of explanation of the grouping of variables, as well as
the number of factors in which the variables were grouped. Based on the results, the variables
were grouped into two factors, which explain about 66% of this grouping. It should be noted
that this value is acceptable according to Hair et al. (2010). Next, the factors were named or
labeled, for which the variable with the highest factor loading can be used as a basis to represent
each factor.
In Table 7 we show the grouping and composition of factors of the exploratory factor
analysis with cost management determinants in MSE.
Table 9
Determinants of micro and small enterprises
Factor loading
Factor 1
Inventory control
and valuation
V05 Inventory control and valuation
V06 Performance analysis of the company
V07 Determination of profit
V08 Control of operations
V09 Assistance with planning activities
V10 Determination of the sale price of the products
V11 Contribution to decision-making
In factor 1, the variable V05 stands out as the one with the highest factor loading,
representing a percentage of 0.820. This variable is described as inventory control and
valuation, so it was decided to name the factor “inventory control and valuation.”
Another variable that stood out in factor 1 was V06 Performance analysis of the
company, with 0.705. The result of this variable was not as highlighted in the studies conducted
by Dummer (2018) and Silva Rebouças et al. (2018), in which cash flow stood out as the best
tool used to assess business performance; but it was evidenced by Scheren et al. (2019) as a
determinant for cost management, as it promotes the distribution of resources to areas with the
highest profitability, allowing the maximization of profits.
Regarding variable V07 Determination of profit, with a percentage of 0.611, the
respondents’ assertiveness is consistent with the study conducted by Zanin et al. (2019), in
which cost management is an important tool for estimating profit margin, mainly by variable
costing; likewise, Veloso et al. (2021) note that profit margin, calculated using variable costing,
is not influenced by fixed costs, as such do not proportionally increase to the volume of
production, but the authors note that this tool is efficient in the short term. Regarding the long
term, companies must study their specificities and the influence of fixed costs over time, as this
may affect the estimation of the profit margin.
In turn, the variable V08 Control of operations showed a percentage of 0.698. Sebrae
(2022) showed in a study that 60% of MSE have no control over the costs of their operations,
which is in line with our results, which obtained an index of about 70% of respondents.
Furthermore, Saldanha and Brambilla (2020) verified that controlling operations allows
processes to be improved, as it identifies wastes, reducing costs and increasing profitability.
This statement was also observed in research conducted by Santos et al. (2020) and Zanin et
al. (2019).
The variable V09 Assistance with planning activities obtained a percentage of 0.719.
Wamser et al. (2019) support the understanding that operations management promotes the
effectiveness of business planning, reducing costs and increasing profitability. Moreover,
Veloso et al. (2021) observed that absorption costing is advantageous for long-term planning.
Santos et al. (2020) reported that cost information is relevant to the operational and strategic
planning of companies, despite the lack of technical knowledge on the part of managers to use
cost management information.
Regarding the penultimate factor 1 variable, V10 Determination of the sale price of
the products, Zanin et al. (2021) and Veloso et al. (2021) highlight the main function of variable
costing in establishing the sales price of products; Rocha et al. (2019) corroborate this idea,
pointing to variable costing as the most appropriate for establishing the sales price for
considering the estimations of contribution margin and the break-even point in cost
management. In addition, Araújo et al. (2021) reported that absorption costing would not be
ideal for establishing the sales price, as it includes the fixed cost of the produced unit,
promoting the loss of competitiveness of companies.
On the last variable, V11 Contribution to decision-making, with a percentage of
0.673, Saldanha and Brambilla (2020) highlight the relevance of cost management in the
decision-making process of how, where, and when to invest the resources available to
maximize business. The same occurs in the study by Zanin et al. (2019) on cost management
practices in the decision-making processes of companies in Santa Catarina, which highlighted
variable costing as more common than variables such as revenue, branch of activity, and form
of taxation among the factors that influence the cost management decisions of these companies.
Inventories represent the investment of financial resources and include all the products
that the company uses in the development of its activities (Peres et al., 2020), as they are
directly linked to the institution’s financial and strategic resources and, when well managed,
bring benefits and positive results, in addition to economic growth for the company. According
to Peres et al. (2020) and Querino et al. (2021), inventory management has the main objective
of reducing costs and, to do so, it must cover all the organization’s spaces and activities, being
a tool used for the availability of products with a view to efficient inventory management.
In Table 8 we show the variables of factor 2 (competitiveness). In factor 2, named
competitiveness, the variable with the greatest emphasis corresponds to variable V03,
described as the use of cost management to assist in facing the competitive market, because in
order to remain effective in the market, companies must assess the competitive environment,
remain in it, and get new customers. This task is becoming increasingly complex, as profit
margins are increasingly reduced by competition (Silveira, 2021).
Table 10
Fatores determinantes nas micro e pequenas empresas
Factor loading
Factor 2
V01 Use of cost management as a basis for decision-making
V02 Cost management is relevant to the management of
small and medium-sized enterprises
V03 MSE are influenced by cost management to face the
competitive market
V04 Cost records
Regarding variable V01 Use of cost management as a basis for decision-making, the
percentage of 0.749 corroborates the study by Zanin et al. (2019), in which the authors highlight
the relevance of cost management for business decisions, but note that, in MSE, this
information is rarely used due to managers’ lack of technical knowledge. This understanding
is corroborated by Santos et al. (2020) and Saldanha and Brambilla (2020), who highlight that
cost information assists in the managers’ decision-making process, as it optimizes the
application of resources.
In turn, in the variable V02 Cost management is relevant to the management of small
and medium-sized enterprises, Scheren et al. (2019) corroborate the results of this variable,
according to which cost management is essential to overcome adversities in the business world.
Wamser et al. (2019) state that cost management promotes organizational effectiveness, as the
company starts operating with an established profit margin. According to Sebrae (2022),
despite the fact that 60% of companies do not use cost control, they are unanimous in
recognizing its relevance (Queiroz et al., 2021; Santos & Chiaretto, 2019).
Concerning the variable V03 MSE are influenced by cost management to face the
competitive market, according to Aragão et al. (2021), companies must keep up with market
changes, especially with regard to digital technologies that promote cost reduction; therefore,
being aware of what occurs externally is essential to remain competitive. According to
Cavalcanti and Santos (2022), this factor would be essential to match or surpass competitors.
In turn, Costa et al. (2018) verify the need to promote the monitoring of competitiveness, that
is, what competitors are doing with regard to cost management.
As for the last factor 2 variable, V04 Cost records, we found that 39% of companies
use information systems. According to Veloso et al. (2021), the absorption costing method,
using a spreadsheet prepared in the Excel software, was predominant in their research, but in
our study, absorption costing was the most used method, even with records in computerized
This record is carried out in management by variable costing, considering that it
presents the contribution margin, which indicates the profitability of the products and the
break-even point, and defines the level of products that must be sold to cover fixed costs. This
tool is fundamental for business planning. Conversely, absorption costing is used in the
company’s accounting records to comply with the country’s tax legislation (Araújo, Margueiro
& Morais, 2021; Rocha et al., 2019; Veloso et al., 2021; Zanin et al., 2019).
In the analyzed studies, there is unanimity in the recognition of cost management as
relevant to the decision-making process. The lack of ability to use cost management was also
evident. Thus, Zanin et al. (2019) pointed out the need for an experienced professional to carry
out this task.
Dummer (2018) highlights cash flow as the most sought after tool, but rarely used due
to managers’ lack of knowledge. Rocha et al. (2019) and Zanin et al. (2019) highlighted
variable costing as the most used method by MSE the former in the use of concepts of
contribution margin and break-even point in management analysis, and the latter in the analysis
of the specificities of the types of companies to use this tool. Zanin, Magro, & Mazzioni (2019)
verified the predominance of absorption costing in the MSE use.
In the research by Zanin et al. (2019), the relevance of variable costing for management
was highlighted, with emphasis on the need for a professional with technical knowledge to
promote cost management information.
Final considerations
This research aimed to highlight the determinants of cost management in MSE in the
city of Mossoró (RN). To this end, the quantitative approach was used with the participation
of MSE managers from the selected city.
Cost management is applied to companies owned by 70% of the respondents, and we
also found that the most evident determinants for these companies were inventory control and
valuation and competitiveness among their competitors in the market. We noticed that cost
management for managers provides subsidies to guide decision-making; likewise, participants
consider cost control information relevant to the planning and performance analysis of the
company. We deem that this research succeeded in achieving its objective, which was to
highlight the determinants of cost management in MSE, achieved by the data analysis.
It should be noted that about 30% of companies do not use any cost method, and about
43% of them have been in the market for over five years and some, for over a decade.
Therefore, this level is still considerable, as cost reduction is one of the main mechanisms for
companies to achieve better results. Effective cost management can be carried out by, for
instance, the use of appropriate technologies, costing methods, and analysis tools. Thus, when
correctly implemented, cost control provides benefits for the organization.
Our contribution to academic studies lies in showing the relevance of cost management
knowledge, identifying whether managers know or use the tools, and showing the need for cost
management as a tool to support decision-making in MSE.
Regarding the study limitations, we emphasize the study sample, which is restricted to
micro and small enterprises in Mossoró (RN), which does not allow the generalization of
results, but allows for the replication of the study in other locations. Therefore, for future
research, we point out the importance of expanding the studied sample, involving other cities
as well as identifying the main factors that motivate the lack of effective cost control practices
by MSE.
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